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Current Bid
28/05/2024 06:47 pm

Rarest | Unseen |Bi-Color Fluorite: 10.76 Ct | Mined In Brazil |

Dimensions (mm)
15.500 x 11.700 x 6.400mm
Weight (cts)
No Treatment

Petroleum Quartz, also known as Golden Enhydros, are one of the most beautiful, exotic and energetic of all quartz types. The name was derived from the golden liquid that contains pure petroleum oil. When placed under the sun or UV light it's even more beautiful!

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Cityofjewels-bangkok is a trendsetting Ecom Jewelry Shop & Gemstone Shop, offering our first-rate products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes. We’re a business made up of innovators and forward-thinkers, with the drive and wherewithal to update and improve the online shopping experience constantly. Cityofjewels-Bangkok has been operating from Thailand And the United States, wholesaling semi-precious and precious gemstone & jewelry exclusively sourced from around the world, as you would be aware, access is somewhat limited.
Bangkok, Thailand
2228 Feedback

Bids History (3)
Purchased from this seller previously
1 month ago
1 month ago
Automated Bid
1 month ago

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Shipping Details

$45.00 5 days via FedEx
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Payment Options

  • paypal
  • stripe
  • gempay


Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 2466837
Estimated RRP : $500.00
Starting Bid : $1
Starts : 26th May 2024 11:47 am AEST
Ends : 29th May 2024 11:47 am AEST
* All prices are in USD