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29/06/2024 02:15 pm

Ultra Rare Sinhalite 2.54 ct Untreated Attractive Color Africa SKU 7

Afmetingen (mm)
8.760 x 7.440 x 5.330mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment

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Sinhalite: A Rare and Beautiful Gemstone for Jewelry

Sinhalite is a rare gemstone that is highly valued by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. It is named after Sri Lanka, which was once known as Ceylon, where it was first discovered in the late 19th century. This stunning gemstone is known for its brilliant colors, high luster, and exceptional clarity, making it a great choice for unique and luxurious jewelry pieces.

Sinhalite is composed of magnesium, aluminum, and boron, and is classified as a borate mineral. It is found in a range of colors, including yellow, brown, orange, and red, with shades varying from light to dark. The most desirable sinhalite gems are transparent or translucent with a rich, intense color and a high degree of clarity.

When it comes to the Mohs hardness scale, sinhalite ranges from 6.5 to 7, making it relatively durable and resistant to scratches. However, it should still be treated with care to avoid any damage or scratches. Sinhalite is also sensitive to sudden temperature changes and exposure to chemicals, so it should not be cleaned with harsh chemicals or exposed to extreme heat.

Sinhalite is typically found in small sizes, with larger pieces being extremely rare. As a result, sinhalite jewelry pieces are usually quite small and delicate, making them ideal for use in pendants, earrings, and rings. Sinhalite is also a popular gemstone for collectors due to its rarity and unique beauty.

When shopping for sinhalite jewelry, it's important to look for gems with good color, clarity, and luster. While sinhalite is a relatively rare gemstone, it is still important to ensure that you are getting a quality piece of jewelry that will retain its value over time. Always buy from reputable dealers who specialize in rare gemstones to ensure that you are getting a genuine sinhalite gemstone.

In conclusion, sinhalite is a rare and beautiful gemstone that is highly prized by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. Its unique colors, exceptional clarity, and high luster make it an ideal choice for one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. While it may be relatively rare, it is still possible to find quality sinhalite jewelry from reputable dealers who specialize in rare gemstones. Whether you are a collector or simply looking for a unique piece of jewelry, sinhalite is definitely worth considering.

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Discover the brilliance of rare gemstones with Zayan Gems. Zayan Gems is a company that has been in the gemstone industry for 15 years, operating from Pakistan, Thailand, and Australia. They specialize in wholesaling both semi-precious and precious gemstones, in both cut and polished forms as well as rough specimens. The gemstones they source are exclusively from around the world, with a focus on Africa, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan, and Kashmir. These areas are known for their high-quality gemstones and limited access, which allows Zayan Gems to offer their customers stones of "high to finest" quality at very attractive prices. The company's ties to these important mining and market environments are what sets them apart and allows them to offer such exceptional gemstones to their customers.
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8275e feedback

  • gemswert

    Very cool and beautiful stone. Thanks a lot

  • botanboko

    Thank you for the fast shipping and the beautiful stone.

  • gmgn101

    Nice stone. Very well packaged. Arrived quickly.

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Vermeldingstype : Premium
Product-ID : 2488389
Geschatte adviesprijs : $670.00
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 23rd June 2024 07:14 am AEST
Loopt af : 30th June 2024 07:15 am AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta