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09/10/2024 01:25 pm

Tanzanian Mined 8.90 ct Imperial Sphene Class Color Spectrum

Afmetingen (mm)
13.700 x 11.000 x 7.300mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment
Fancy, Oval

General Info:

A brilliantly transparent gem, sphene has fire greater than that of diamond! This gem is named from the Greek word for “wedge,” as its crystals are typically wedge shaped, but may be referred to by its mineral name, titanite. Another characteristic sphene possesses is birefringence, or double refraction, meaning that light splits into two rays as it passes through the gem. As a result, the back facets appear as double images, giving the gem a soft, hazy appearance, similar to the doubling seen in zircon.

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GemsLink is in collaboration with our group of companies has been operating from Pakistan, UAE, Australia and Thailand for the last 13 years, wholesaling semi precious and precious gemstones in cut/polished, exclusively sourced from around the world and especially from Pakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan and Kashmir to which, as you would be aware, access is somewhat limited. Because of my ties to these important mining and market environs, the stones I source are of "high to finest" quality at very attractive prices. Please return the item if for some reasons you do not like the item. After 14 days we will not accept the return.
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Dit product is gecontroleerd door een Gemstone Sheriff en zij hebben het volgende gevonden:
  • Beschrijving Nauwkeurig
  • Foto's Nauwkeurig


The Verified Seller responsible for this item has diligently provided us with accurate and comprehensive information, encompassing crucial details such as weight, dimensions, and treatment. It is important to reiterate our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the gemstone industry. As part of our policy, we strictly permit the sale of exclusively natural gemstones that have been sourced directly from the Earth. However, in the event that a gemstone has undergone any form of treatment, it is mandatory for the seller to provide full disclosure regarding the treatment process. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that man-made gemstones, including simulants and imitations, are strictly prohibited on our platform. We prioritize the promotion of authentic, natural gemstones to ensure a genuine and trustworthy marketplace for our valued customers. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you and provide a seamless experience on Gem Rock Auctions.

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$50.00 4 dagen via FedEx
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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 2260951
Geschatte adviesprijs : $20,000.00
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 25th September 2024 01:25 pm PDT
Loopt af : 9th October 2024 01:25 pm PDT
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta