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29/06/2024 02:21 pm

Rare! Green Hauyne 1.26 ct Collector’s Badaksha Mine Sku 5

Afmetingen (mm)
7.020 x 6.930 x 4.230mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment

Green hauyne, also known as hauynite, is a rare and stunning gemstone prized for its vibrant color and exceptional clarity. Belonging to the sodalite mineral group, hauyne typically exhibits hues ranging from intense blue to green, with variations influenced by trace elements within its crystal structure.


Gem-quality green hauyne is distinguished by several key characteristics:


Green hauyne displays a captivating blend of yellow and green hues, often with subtle variations that add depth and dimension to the gemstone.


High-quality green hauyne exhibits exceptional clarity, with minimal inclusions or imperfections visible to the naked eye. This clarity enhances the gemstone's brilliance and allure.


Gem-cutters meticulously shape green hauyne to maximize its inherent beauty and optical properties. Precision cutting techniques ensure optimal light reflection and dispersion, resulting in a mesmerizing display of color and brilliance.

Origin and Formation

Green hauyne forms in volcanic environments, typically within igneous rocks such as lava flows and volcanic ejecta. The gemstone's vibrant coloration is attributed to the presence of various trace elements, including chromium and vanadium, which influence its chemical composition.

Uses and Applications

Gem-quality Green hauyne is highly sought after for use in fine jewelry, where its exceptional color and clarity make it a prized choice for collectors and connoisseurs alike. Additionally, hauyne's rarity and unique characteristics make it a desirable gemstone for investment purposes.

Care and Maintenance

To preserve the beauty and integrity of green hauyne jewelry, it is essential to observe proper care and maintenance practices:

Cleaning: Use a soft brush and mild detergent to gently clean hauyne jewelry, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that may damage the gemstone.

Storage: Store hauyne jewelry in a separate compartment or pouch to prevent scratching or damage from contact with other gemstones or hard surfaces.

Avoidance: Avoid exposing green hauyne to extreme temperatures or sudden changes in temperature, as this may cause thermal shock and damage the gemstone.


In conclusion, gem-quality green hauyne is a rare and exquisite gemstone prized for its vibrant color, exceptional clarity, and unique characteristics. Whether used in fine jewelry or as a valuable investment, hauyne continues to captivate enthusiasts and collectors worldwide with its unparalleled beauty and allure.

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Discover the brilliance of rare gemstones with Zayan Gems. Zayan Gems is a company that has been in the gemstone industry for 15 years, operating from Pakistan, Thailand, and Australia. They specialize in wholesaling both semi-precious and precious gemstones, in both cut and polished forms as well as rough specimens. The gemstones they source are exclusively from around the world, with a focus on Africa, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan, and Kashmir. These areas are known for their high-quality gemstones and limited access, which allows Zayan Gems to offer their customers stones of "high to finest" quality at very attractive prices. The company's ties to these important mining and market environments are what sets them apart and allows them to offer such exceptional gemstones to their customers.
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8275e feedback

  • gemswert

    Very cool and beautiful stone. Thanks a lot

  • botanboko

    Thank you for the fast shipping and the beautiful stone.

  • gmgn101

    Nice stone. Very well packaged. Arrived quickly.

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Dit product is gecontroleerd door een Gemstone Sheriff en zij hebben het volgende gevonden:
  • Beschrijving Nauwkeurig
  • Foto's Nauwkeurig


The Verified Seller responsible for this item has diligently provided us with accurate and comprehensive information, encompassing crucial details such as weight, dimensions, and treatment. It is important to reiterate our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the gemstone industry. As part of our policy, we strictly permit the sale of exclusively natural gemstones that have been sourced directly from the Earth. However, in the event that a gemstone has undergone any form of treatment, it is mandatory for the seller to provide full disclosure regarding the treatment process. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that man-made gemstones, including simulants and imitations, are strictly prohibited on our platform. We prioritize the promotion of authentic, natural gemstones to ensure a genuine and trustworthy marketplace for our valued customers. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you and provide a seamless experience on Gem Rock Auctions.

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$35.00 5 dagen via FedEx
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Vermeldingstype : Premium
Product-ID : 2488392
Geschatte adviesprijs : $2,200.00
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 23rd June 2024 07:21 am AEST
Loopt af : 30th June 2024 07:21 am AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta