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03/07/2024 11:00 pm

NR - Lush green Zambia EMERALD

Afmetingen (mm)
7.500 x 5.700 x 4.000mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment

Emerald is a gemstone known for its captivating green color, which ranges from bluish-green to pure green. It is a variety of the mineral beryl, the same mineral species that includes aquamarine, which is known for its blue hues. The primary factor that determines the quality and value of an emerald is its color. The most desirable emeralds exhibit a highly saturated and vivid green color.

In addition to color, the cut of an emerald also plays a significant role in its appearance and value. The most common cut for emeralds is aptly named the "emerald cut." This cut is characterized by its rectangular shape with concentric parallel rows of facets, or flat surfaces, that are arranged in a step-like pattern. The emerald cut also features beveled or truncated corners, which not only enhance the stone’s brilliance but also help protect it from chipping and damage. This cut is designed to showcase the depth of color and clarity of the emerald while minimizing the visibility of inclusions, which are common in this gemstone.

The presence of inclusions, often referred to as "jardin" (French for garden) due to their plant-like appearance, is typical in emeralds and is generally accepted as part of their natural beauty. However, the fewer and less visible the inclusions, the more valuable the emerald.

In summary, the allure of an emerald lies in its rich green color and its distinctive cut, which together enhance the stone’s natural beauty and make it a prized possession in the world of gemstones.

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Please note that gemstone pictures are captured under various light conditions to showcase their unique characteristics. We advise customers to consider the potential variations in color and appearance based on different lighting setups. Each gemstone is sold 'as is,' and we recommend keeping this in mind while making a purchase. If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer support for further assistance.

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Hello Ladies and Gents, I am delighted to introduce Gemaholics, where passion meets expertise in the world of Gems. My name is Cloe, and my mission is to bring you the finest and unique gemstones, accompanied with a deep gemological insight. At Gemaholics, I curate a dazzling array of gemstones, each meticulously handpicked for its exceptional quality and rarity. My collection ranges from exquisite topaz to vibrant colored opals, ensuing a piece for every taste and occasion. With a deep-rooted appreciation for Italy's rich gemological heritage, I try to combine tradition with modern expertise. My commitment to transparency and education empowers you, whether you are a collector, a jeweler or a gem enthusiast, to make informed choices. Experience the allure of Gemaholics, where every gem tells a unique story. Grazie!
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401e feedback

  • andersonka66

    Arrived well packaged. Beautiful gem stone. Smooth Transaction. Thank you

  • andersonka66

    Arrived well packaged. Beautiful gem stone. Smooth Transaction. Great seller. Thank you

  • andersonka66

    Arrived well packaged. Beautiful gem stone. Smooth Transaction. . Thank you

  • andersonka66

    Arrived well packaged. Beautiful gem stone. Smooth Transaction. Thank you

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$18.00 21 dagen via Standard Shipping - Tracked
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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 2494555
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 1st July 2024 04:00 pm AEST
Loopt af : 4th July 2024 04:00 pm AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta