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NR Beautiful Rare Red Pink Diamonds , 2pcs / 0.03 cts , Round Cuts

Afmetingen (mm)
1.000 x 1.000 x 1.000mm
Gewicht (cts)

Pink diamonds are among the rarest and most coveted gemstones in the world. They are part of the fancy colored diamond category, which includes diamonds that exhibit intense colors beyond the traditional white diamonds. Pink diamonds derive their color from structural anomalies and impurities within the crystal lattice during their formation process.

The Above mentioned Pink Diamonds have following Specifications

Shape - Round Brilliant Cut

No of Stones - 2

Weight -0.03

Color - Fancy Intense/Dark Purple/Pink

Treatment - Color Enhanced/Irradiated

Stock ID -NR359

Please ignore the measurements field as it is irrelevant

The rarity of pink diamonds is attributed to several factors:

1. Natural Formation: Pink diamonds are formed under unique geological conditions, where the presence of specific elements and intense pressure causes their pink hue. These conditions are extremely rare compared to the formation of white diamonds.

2. Limited Sources: The majority of pink diamonds come from just one mine, the Argyle mine in Western Australia, which is known for producing the highest quality pink diamonds in the world. However, this mine ceased operations in 2020, further limiting the already scarce supply of pink diamonds.

3. Size and Intensity: Large pink diamonds with vivid color saturation are exceptionally rare. Most pink diamonds are small, and only a small percentage exhibit intense pink hues, making them even more valuable.

4. Demand: The rarity of pink diamonds has led to high demand from collectors, investors, and enthusiasts, further driving up their value.

All these factors contribute to the extraordinary rarity and value of pink diamonds in the gemstone market.

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Rarest Diamond Collection , Grab the Best ones before they're Gone
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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 2561035
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 23rd September 2024 12:08 pm PDT
Loopt af : 28th September 2024 12:08 pm PDT
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta