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15/10/2024 02:56 pm

Certified Huge size Deep blue Color natural 504.50ct Natural Aquamarine Gem

Afmetingen (mm)
47.050 x 46.820 x 35.590mm
Gewicht (cts)
Certificate Gem Lab
Lotus Gemology
No Treatment
Cushion, Fancy

Aquamarine is one of our most popular and best-known gemstones, and distinguishes itself by many good qualities. It is almost as popular as the classics: ruby, sapphire and emerald. In fact it is related to the emerald, both belonging to the beryl family. The colour of aquamarine, however, is usually more even than that of the emerald. Much more often than its famous green cousin, aquamarine is almost entirely free of inclusions. The more intense the colour of an aquamarine, the more value is put on it. Some aquamarines have a light, greenish shimmer; that too is a typical feature. However, it is a pure, clear blue that continues to epitomise the aquamarine, because it brings out so well the immaculate transparency and magnificent shine of this gemstone.

Treatment: None

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FedEx wordt verdisconteerd tot $40.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
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Express Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $20.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
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Express Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $20.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen

Grateful Gems is in collaboration with our group of companies has been operating from Pakistan, UAE, USA and Thailand for the last 8 years, wholesaling semi precious and precious gemstones in cut/polished, exclusively sourced from around the world and especially from Pakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan and Kashmir to which, as you would be aware, access is somewhat limited. Because of my ties to these important mining and market environs, the stones I source are of "high to finest" quality at very attractive prices. We’re a real gem, Please return the item if for some reasons you do not like the item. After 21 days we will not accept the return.
:stad land
421e feedback

  • bejeweledhorse

    Quick shipping, came with certificate. Stone colour reasonably accurate to moderate brightness incandescent lighting. No hidden inclusions from video - clarity exactly as described by seller. I would buy from this seller again

  • malcolma

    Nice stone, quick delivery. good seller

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$30.00 7 dagen via FedEx
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Vermeldingstype : Premium
Product-ID : 2552908
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 15th September 2024 02:56 pm PDT
Loopt af : 15th October 2024 02:56 pm PDT
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta