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07/10/2024 02:09 pm

7 MUZO EMERALD LOT -33.45 cts!

Afmetingen (mm)
9.970 x 8.000 x 6.220mm
Gewicht (cts)
Emerald, Oval
Certified Gemstones

33.45cts - 7 emerald lot, all from Muzo - Ready to sell!

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Standard Shipping - Tracked $0.00 / :dagen dagen $0.00 / :dagen dagen

Welcome to our exclusive collection, brought to you straight from the heart of Bogotá, Colombia. As a distinguished Jewelry Company, we are proudly registered through the Chamber of Commerce in Bogotá, ensuring our commitment to excellence and authenticity in every piece we offer. At the core of our mission is a passion for the extraordinary. We meticulously hand select each and every emerald, ensuring that our clients receive only the finest gems that Colombia has to offer. Our selection process is rigorous, drawing from the historic and renowned mines of Muzo, Coscuez, and Chivor—each a name synonymous with unparalleled quality and beauty in the world of emeralds. Our expertise is unparalleled, with our gem experts boasting a combined experience of over 100 years in the industry. This wealth of knowledge allows us to discern the truly exceptional from the merely ordinary, ensuring that every gem we present to you is a testament to beauty and perfection. Before any gem makes its way to you, it undergoes a thorough approval process. This includes several layers of scrutiny, both from our in-house team and esteemed outside experts, guaranteeing that what you receive is not just a gem, but a masterpiece of nature, refined and presented with the utmost care and professionalism. Trust, excellence, and an unwavering dedication to quality—this is what we bring to the table. Discover the unparalleled beauty of Colombian emeralds with us, where every gem tells a story of majesty and timeless elegance.
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Als er een pictogram is dat 'Automatisch bieden' aangeeft, betekent dit dat ons systeem actief biedingen plaatst voor de gebruiker op basis van hun maximumbod. Dit kan lijken alsof gebruikers zichzelf overbieden, maar het is gewoon het gevolg van het feit dat het systeem het bod bijwerkt om de maximumlimiet van de gebruiker weer te geven.


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$0.00 21 dagen via Standard Shipping - Tracked
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  • stripe
Deze verkoper voegt 19.00% belasting toe aan transacties in Colombia.


Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 2546153
Geschatte adviesprijs : $250,000.00
Openingsbod : $90,000
Begint : 7th September 2024 02:09 pm PDT
Loopt af : 7th October 2024 02:09 pm PDT
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta