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23/09/2024 09:12 pm

64.15 carat Labradorite Cabochons

Afmetingen (mm)
42.900 x 25.310 x 6.040mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment

Labradorite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More

Labradorite is a feldspar gemstone known for displaying a stunning internal iridescence called “labradorescence,” a type of adularescence. This feature is sometimes called “schiller.”

Sorry dog lovers, but labradorite is not named after the dog breed. Rather, it’s named after Labrador, Canada. In fact, labradorite is the official mineral of Labrador and its province, Newfoundland.

You may recognize “feldspar” from other gems in this family like amazonite, orthoclase, sunstone, and moonstone. Many sunstones actually classify as labradorite! One such example is Oregon sunstone, which shows a metallic glittering effect called aventurescence. After orthoclase, labradorite is the feldspar gem you’ll most often see faceted.

Besides Oregon sunstone, labradorite has a few other subtypes. Today, we’ll cover those varieties, along with labradorite properties, healing uses, symbolism, and all your other questions about labradorite gemstones!First, is labradorite a precious gemstone? No, labradorite is a semi-precious gemstone. The only gemstones considered “precious gemstones” are diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. However, labradorite can be a lucky talisman!

What birthstone is labradorite? Labradorite is an alternative November birthstone and a phenomenal birthstone for those born on a Saturday.

Astrologically, labradorite zodiac stones grace the sign of Cancer, and the labradorite variety spectrolite is lucky for Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Leo. The labradorite planet is Uranus or Pluto, though some astrologers recommend wearing labradorite during significant Venus phases.

Mineral Characteristics

Labradorite is an anorthite plagioclase feldspar mineral composed of sodium, calcium, aluminum, and silicon. Its sodium content varies from 30-50 percent and its calcium content varies from 50-70 percent. The stone is composed of anorthite and albite feldspar, but its composition is 50-70 percent anorthite and only 30-50 percent albite.

The feldspar mineral family is complex, but the two most common categories are plagioclase and alkali feldspars. Among plagioclase feldspars, labradorite is the only mineral to show intense schiller.

On the Mohs mineral hardness scale, labradorite ranks from 6 to 6.5. Labradorite stones are typically white, gray, yellow, or colorless, but their labradorescence is where they really shine — literally! Any color in the rainbow can flash from within labradorite, but blues and oranges are most common.

One important note: Not all labradorite stones show labradorescence. Some may show no optical effects, while others may only show a blueish-white aventurescence.

Speaking of varieties, let’s go over the subtypes of labradorite!

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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 2555774
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 18th September 2024 09:12 pm PDT
Loopt af : 23rd September 2024 09:12 pm PDT
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