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19/08/2024 10:33 am

3.60 Carats Axinite Rare gemstone

Afmetingen (mm)
6.950 x 6.950 x 3.640mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment

About Axinite

Information from Gemrockauction

Axinite is a group of gemstones or the iron-dominant member of that group, called axinite-(Fe) or ferroaxinite. The name “axinite” comes from the ax-head shape of some of the crystals.

Is axinite rare? Yes, axinite is a rare gemstone, only known widely among collectors. But it has fascinating properties!

One property is its strong pleochroism, meaning you’ll see different colors as you turn it under direct light. Another set of properties is its ability to become electrically charged from heat (pyroelectricity) and physical pressure (piezoelectricity).

Today, we’ll go over all of these unique traits, from axinite’s metaphysical properties to its meanings, prices, history, and more!

What is an Axinite Stone?

Axinite is a semi-precious gemstone usually found in shades of brown, though it’s also known for its beautiful purple hues. Though “axinite” is technically the mineral group, the individual mineral most people refer to as simply “axinite” is the iron-rich ferroaxinite or axinite-(Fe).

Astrologically, axinite is beneficial for Ariessigns. It can be substituted for hessonite garnet as a January birthstone, but it may not be a more affordable alternative.

Besides hessonite, axinite may also resemble chrysoberyl, tourmaline, and topaz.

Axinite Specifications & Characteristics

The axinite mineral group comprises four rare borosilicates: ferroaxinite, manganaxinite, magnesioaxinite, and tinzenite. The most common gem-quality mineral in the group is ferroaxinite. The group’s formula is (Ca, Mn, Fe, Mg)3Al2BSi4O15(OH).

Axinite minerals often form as distinct wedge-shaped (ax head-shaped) or flattened tabular crystals. They can also be granular or massive.

You may confuse axinite for andalusite, another rare gem with similar colors, pleochroism, and hardness. You can identify axinite by its higher density and refractive index.

Additionally, axinite’s hardness is somewhat unique, as different orientations of the same axinite crystal can have different hardness rankings. Most axinites are biaxial negative, but higher magnesium content can lead to them being biaxial positive.

Axinite’s mineral properties listed:

  • Mohs hardness: 6.5-7, varies with direction

  • Color: Brown, violet-brown, violet, reddish-purple, plum blue, violet-blue, blue, pink, orange, yellow, brownish yellow-green, gray, colorless; See Types section for more details

  • Crystal structure: Triclinic

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy)

  • Transparency: Translucent to transparent

  • Refractive index: 1.656-1.704

  • Density: 318-3.37

  • Cleavage: Good/distinct on {100}, Poor on {001} {110} and {011}

  • Fracture: Uneven/irregular or conchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence sometimes present; Tanzanian magnesioaxinite: red in SW-UV, orange-red in LW-UV; New Jersey material: red in SW-UV

  • Pleochroism: Present & strong in colored stones; Ferroaxinite: Cinnamon-brown to violet-blue to olive-green, yellow, or colorless; Magnesioaxinite: Pale blue to pale violet to pale gray; Manganaxinite: Blue to brown to purple; Tinzenite: Light brown to violet to colorless or light yellow; Sri Lanka material: Reddish-brown to dark violet to colorless or light yellow; Nevada material: Light brown or colorless to deep brown to brownish-red

  • Birefringence: 0.009-0.012

  • Dispersion: 0.018-0.020 (strong)

  • Optical effects: Very rarely color-change

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3228e feedback

  • jtjjr

    Just as described

  • jtjjr

    Just as described

  • karel

    Very nice and huge axinite & of course always on collectors (like me) wish list. Great store, excellent service & offers a nice collection of gems! Thanks

  • karel

    Very nice axinite & of course always on collectors (like me) wish list. Great store, excellent service & offers a nice collection of gems! Thanks

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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 2527152
Openingsbod : $1
Begint : 14th August 2024 10:33 am PDT
Loopt af : 19th August 2024 10:33 am PDT
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta