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Trenutna ponuda
07/03/2024 07:03 am

-UNTREATED- High colour Colombian Muzo Emerald rough parcel 22.43CT


Dimenzije (mm)
4.000 x 4.000 x 3.000mm
Težina (cts)
No Treatment

Welcome to COLOMBIAVERDESTORE, we are a new store and we want to offer you the best quality Colombian emeralds as possible for a fair and a reasonable price, We get the rough stones directly from the mines of Muzo, Chivor, Coscuez and La pita, we cut and polish the rough material in Bogotá and finally they go to our hands, we are working really hard to certify our emeralds with a modern and reliable gemological laboratory at the emerald trade center, located in Bogotá, Colombia, therefore all our emeralds are 100% certified.



Characteristics of Muzo Mine

This colour is the most prestigious green, said to be that of a particular butterfly (mariposa in Spanish) which occurs only in the Muzo area.

Crystal characteristics of Muzo emeralds

These crystals do not form clusters or aggregates. However, Muzo emeralds tend to be shorter than those from Chivor. Muzo emerald crystals tend to have a more saturated colour.




Geologically speaking, Colombian emeralds are said to be the purest emeralds in the world because Colombian emerald deposits are the only ones on earth found in sedimentary host rock rather than in Igneous rock. The tectonic movements that created the Andes Mountains force the raw materials of emeralds—beryllium, chromium, and vanadium—found in the ground into liquid and gaseous states. These materials, in such states, find their way into cracks in the already sedimentary medium surrounding them and then eventually cool and crystallize. A saline solution found in the sedimentary rock eventually washes out impurities such as iron that cloud other beryls from forming onto the crystallizing stone. This intricate process produces the emeralds found in the mines of Colombia.

An emerald is actually a beryllium stone that owes its special color to beryllium, chromium, and vanadium, all of which are chemical elements that are very scarce, and the reason for the color of an emerald. Colombian emeralds are much sought after, and not just because of their superb quality and color. A gem's value depends upon its size, purity, color and brilliance. Even when they are mined in the same area, each individual emerald has its own unique look that sets it apart from the rest. Dark green is considered to be the most beautiful, scarce, and valuable color for emeralds. An emerald of this color is considered rare and is only found in the deepest mines of Colombia.

Please do not hesitate to send offers and we'll try to get a deal.

Worldwide Insured Shipping

100% refund returns Policy


We offer 30 days full refund and return policy for all buyers. You can buy from us with 100% return and refund guarantee. No questions asked for any refund or return.

Our emeralds look better in your hands than in photos. We shoot all the photos and videos with natural light conditions, so you can see the real and genuine colour of each gemstone.

We only sell Natural Colombian emeralds

All buyers are responsible for the payment of any custom and duties for their country. We won't take responsibility on that matter, so please before bidding or buying from us, send us a message and we'll try our best to please you.

if you want to save/avoid any custom duty, please ask and we'll offer the best way to cut that cost.

If you need specific shipment or packing, please don't hesitate to ask.

Your feedback is highly valuable, please give us some positive feedback once you get the stones, if you're no satisfied with the gemstone received, please contact us before leaving any negative feedback and We'll try our best to please you 100%.

Once again many thanks for trusting us.

Pružatelj usluge dostave Dostava Colombia Dostava u ostatak svijeta
DHL $5.00 / 2 $45.00 / 7
DHL je snižen na $5.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
DHL je snižen na $45.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala

-UNTREATED- High colour Colombian Muzo Emerald rough parcel 22.43CT
Colombia, Colombia
U vlasništvu colombiaverdestore

  • nucchem

    Beautiful tiny crystal. Seller left off my apartment number and caused a bit of a commotion, but all worked out. Very very nice packaging

  • nucchem

    Beautiful tiny crystal. Seller left off my apartment number and caused a bit of a commotion, but all worked out. Very very nice packaging

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$0.00 7 days putem DHL
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  • paypal


Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 1834470
Početna ponuda : $250
Počinje : 27th February 2024 08:15 am PST
Završava : 7th March 2024 07:03 am PST
* Sve cijene su u USD