$44.00 USD


Dimenzije (mm)
x x mm
Težina (cts)



This is a natural untreated crystal from Brazil showing great terminations with a fiborous inclusion in the base-great specimen.

Weight 48.50 cts app

Size 37 x 13 x 13 mm app

Quartz grows in many environments along with many different minerals. These minerals, as well as watery solutions and gas bubbles, can be enclosed by the growing crystal.
Many minerals that would otherwise be chemically altered or dissolved when the local conditions change are protected from aggressive chemical agents when they have been embedded inside quartz crystals. Likewise, fragile minerals that are very soft, crumbly or that occur as fibers or thin needles survive inside. Other partially embedded minerals might get dissolved at a later stage and leave ghostlike hollow forms behind.

There are basically three ways inclusions can "get into the crystal":

  • The minerals have formed before the quartz. The growing quartz crystals engulfs them and the original form of the included minerals is preserved. These inclusions are called protogenetic. Included fibers than run through the entire crystal at random orientations are typical examples.
  • Quartz crystals and the included minerals grow simultaneously. These inclusions are called syngenetic. The shape of the included minerals often deviates from the typical forms and habits that develop during unhindered growth. Crystals may be distorted beyond recognition and a non-destructive identification may pose a real problem even for a mineralogist.
    Sometimes inclusions cause the formation of phantoms. Here the quartz crystal might have been partially encrusted by another mineral when growth halted transiently and continued later, such a case could be considered a syngenetical formation that got overgrown.
  • Minerals can get into another mineral by exsolution. When the conditions during crystal growth allowed the incorporation of elements into the crystal lattice that are incompatible with the crystal structure at different temperatures or pressures, these elements may separate from the lattice to form new minerals once the conditions change. Such inclusions are called epigenetic. Very often these inclusions are specifically oriented with respect to the crystallographic axes of the main crystal. The best example of a quartz with epigenetic inclusions is rose quartz.
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    Welcome to Mineral Gem World store, where you'll find a curated selection of exceptional gemstones sourced from around the globe. Led by Paul Sedawie, a distinguished member of the International Coloured Stone Association (ICA) and president of the Opal Association, our collection reflects a passion for rare and captivating minerals. Drawing from his extensive experience in the industry, Paul traverses the world in search of unique gemstones and fossils, ensuring that each piece in our collection is of the highest quality. With a commitment to excellence, all stock at Mineral Gem World comes with a money-back guarantee, guaranteeing your satisfaction with every purchase.
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    • pmcphail

      Exactly as pictured. Quickly and securely shipped.

    • ibex52

      Beautiful specimen. Just as shown in the photos. Description was also clear that the photos were taken from wet specimen. Dispatched and arrived quickly. I'm looking forward to buy from this shop again soon.

    • dicejockey

      A beautiful ruby specimen

    • opalkk

      It arrived safely.Thank you.

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    Počinje : 14th September 2024 08:25 pm PDT
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