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09/09/2024 09:11 am

Colombian Muzo emerald crystal 1.92 Ct -No oil-

Dimenzije (mm)
5.570 x 7.310 x 5.450mm
Težina (cts)
No Treatment

Welcome to Lunariagems!

It is indeed a pleasure to showcase this beautiful Colombian Muzo emerald crystal in its purest form, this emerald has a magnificent gemmy quality, with an outstanding and flawless formation, it is perfect for a jewellery piece, such as a pendant or a ring, or simply a beautiful collectible emerald.

Gem: Colombian Emerald

Origin: Muzo, Boyaca, Colombia

Color: Vivid bluish green

Dimensions: 7.31x5.57x5.45mm

Weight: 1.92 Ct

Treatment: None

Purity: Very high

For hundreds of years, the mines of Colombia have yielded many of the world’s finest emeralds. They were known to the Indian inhabitants prior to the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors in the 1500s. After being introduced to emeralds in the spring of 1537 as a gift from the Boyacá Indians, over the following decades it was the Spanish who began to send them from what they called “New Grenada” back to Europe. Although emeralds had previously been known from Egypt and a small mining area in Austria (and perhaps from Central Asia), the material from Colombia was of much better quality. There are three main mining areas in the country – Muzo, Coscuez, and Chivor – located in two mountain belts 50 to 80 kilometers northeast of Bogotá.


Lunariagems offers 30 days full refund and return policy for all buyers.

Our Gemstones look very similar to the ones in photos, we use the best cameras available at the moment to capture their true color and nature.

Pružatelj usluge dostave Dostava u Colombia Dostava u ostatak svijeta
DHL $20.00 / :dani dani $45.00 / :dani dani
DHL je snižen na $0.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala
Ostatak svijeta
DHL je snižen na $45.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala

LunariaGems is a premier jewelry and gemstone business renowned for its exquisite collection of high-quality gemstones and bespoke jewelry designs. Specializing in rare and ethically-sourced stones, Our work combines artistry with craftsmanship to create timeless pieces that reflect elegance and individuality. Our expert team offers personalized consultations to ensure each creation is tailored to your unique style and preferences. At LunariaGems, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service and unparalleled beauty in every piece and gem we deliver.
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$0.00 7 days putem DHL
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Ovaj prodavač dodaje 19.00% porez na transakcije u Colombia.


Vrsta unosa : Premium
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 2545583
Početna ponuda : $490
Počinje : 6th September 2024 09:50 pm PDT
Završava : 9th September 2024 09:11 am PDT
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