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Sutra 08:48 am

Amazing Piece 1.00 Ct Natural Sphene Gemstone

Dimenzije (mm)
7.000 x 5.900 x 4.200mm
Težina (cts)

The rare collector's stone Sphene is a brilliant transparent yellowish-green or green with a high luster and pronounced fire. Sphene's magnificent fire, unique color shades, strong pleochroism, adamantine (diamond-like) luster and double refraction make it ideal for earrings and pendants that catch the light and show its sparkling qualities. Occasionally pink, black or brown, most Sphene is predominantly green or yellowish-green, with colorful flashes of a rainbow of hues. The name "Sphene" comes from the word meaning wedge shaped, as it normally occurs in wedge shaped crystals. Several gemological characteristics make it beautiful and desirable as a collector's stone or, with care, for jewelry use. Its dispersion (fire) is one of the highest of all gem materials, even higher than diamond. The body color, degree of inclusions, cutting orientation and cutting style may enhance or obscure this feature. If well polished, the luster can approach or equal that of diamond, but the gem is difficult to polish well. The high birefringence usually makes some doubling of facet images visible within the stone giving it a degree of internal fuzziness similar to that often seen in zircon or peridot. A rare variety termed chrome sphene is colored by chromium and is an intense green. The prices and value of Sphene can vary tremendously, depending on the size and quality of the gemstone. AJS Gems is your source for the highest quality Sphene and many other precious colored stones from across the globe, available at Bangkok direct wholesale prices. Creating the finest jewelry starts with finding the best gemstones, and the best gemstones are found at AJS Gems.

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FedEx je snižen na $40.00 na narudžbe s 2 ili više artikala

We deal in all kind of gemstones (Precious & Semi Precious) and also Rare gemstones.Collection Pieces, Fancy and different Cutting Exceptional Pieces are Available Here . All our stones are natural and top quality. NOTE ! Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.
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  • cenalao

    Seller has used strong filter on the seller image. What I have received is not as vivid red as seller images shown. Very disappointed. Wont consider this seller anymore.

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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 2564997
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 27th September 2024 08:48 am PDT
Završava : 30th September 2024 08:48 am PDT
* Sve cijene su u :valuti