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Trenutna ponuda
23/02/2018 12:49 pm

45.73 ct Fire Opal Rough from Honduras

Dimenzije (mm)
40.000 x 20.000 x 15.500mm
Težina (cts)
No Treatment
Rough, Specimen

-This is a piece of rough fire opal from a new finding in Honduras.
-I collected several kilograms in different sizes and weights (up to 1 kilogram).
-This stone is untreated
-Has good color, with some transparency.
-Has fractures.
-For cutters and collectors.
-A skilled cutter will be able detach several pieces from the cracks and facet them.
-All pictures are taken under natural sunlight when STONES ARE DRY under two jeweler lamps. Color may look more brownish-red or brownish-orange under different kinds of light. 
-I checked the refractive index of a polished stone and it is 1.44 to 1.45.

-In his book ‘The World of Opals’ (1997), Allan W. Eckert writes: “San Antonio area mines are most productive of a very light-colored precious fire opal that most resembles the Mexican variety (...). Other opals of this type occur at a number of locations throughout the country (...). The stones here, mainly found loose on the ground surface, have a colorless transparent center which turns to transparent citrine yellow and, finally, near the outside edges to a transparent light brownish-orange. The majority is used for faceting purposes”.

-And Tom R. Barbour, C.G. wrote in The Lapidary Journal (April 1965): “Produced by hand and as yet on a small scale, there is in Honduras opal of almost every description including all of that found in Australia (...). Because of the very difficult mountainous country with little or no roads, Honduras has not been developed. However, with the promise of roads in this country in the comparatively near future, we hope it will turn into one of the main gem and opal producing areas of the world (...). In the first group we will include common opal or, in other words, that which does not display colors when viewed in reflected light. The ‘Mexican fire opal’ type is found in several places throughout Honduras (...). This opal is found in weathered veins of from one-fourth of an inch up to six inches in width. The outside, next to the matrix, is a light orange brown turning to lighter shades then to a citrine color with a clear center. Most of this type (...) is fractured into pieces from one-half inch to about two inches of clear faceting material”.

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  • rngrdead

    Love it - so very pretty! Will be hand polished for maximum effect

  • davis

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • guest297720

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • mhg2804

    Amazing! Thanks! Great Service

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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 733600
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 19th February 2018 12:48 pm PST
Završava : 23rd February 2018 12:49 pm PST
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