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Sutra 06:05 am

1.45 carat spinal from Burma

Dimenzije (mm)
6.800 x 6.100 x 4.300mm
Težina (cts)

Spinal, also known as spinal column or vertebral column, is a complex structure made up of individual vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. It serves several important functions in the body:

1. Support: The spinal column provides structural support for the body, allowing us to stand upright and maintain posture.

2. Protection: It encases and protects the spinal cord, which is a vital part of the central nervous system that transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

3. Flexibility and Movement: The spinal column allows for a range of movements including bending, twisting, and turning, thanks to the intervertebral discs and the joints between the vertebrae.

4. Shock Absorption: The intervertebral discs act as cushions between the vertebrae, absorbing shock and reducing the impact on the spine during activities such as walking or running.

The spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae divided into five regions: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper back), lumbar (lower back), sacral (pelvic region), and coccygeal (tailbone). Each region has a specific number of vertebrae and distinct characteristics.

If you need more specific information about any part of the spinal column or related topics, feel free to ask!

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Detalji dostave

$10.00 21 days putem Standard Shipping - Tracked
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Ovaj prodavač dodaje 0.00% porez na transakcije u Thailand.


Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 2572779
Procijenjeni RRP : $250.00
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 4th October 2024 06:05 am PDT
Završava : 7th October 2024 06:05 am PDT
* Sve cijene su u :valuti