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04/10/2024 06:16 am

Authentic 2-Inch Plesiosaur Tooth Fossil – Marine Reptile Specimen

Dimensiones (mm)
50.000 x 30.000 x 25.000mm
Peso (cts)

Plesiosaur tooth. The Plesiosaur was a very large prehistoric marine reptile that swam in the oceans millions of years ago. It is estimated to have measured between 5 feet and 50 feet long (depending on the subtype). Plesiosaurs lived during the Cretaceous period. This tooth originates from Morocco.

The tooth itself measures approximately 1.25 to 2 inches long (3.2 to 5 cm) and may slightly differ from what is shown in the photos. A tooth will be randomly selected from the lot illustrated.

(From ThoughtCo):

Plesiosaurs in general, and Plesiosaurs in particular, were not the most accomplished swimmers, as they lacked the hydrodynamic build of their larger, meaner, and more streamlined cousins, the Pliosaurs. To this day, it is unclear whether Plesiosaurs and their kin came onto land to lay eggs or gave birth to live young while swimming (though the latter possibility is increasingly favored). However, we do know that Plesiosaurs went extinct along with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and left no living descendants.

Plesiosaurus (Greek for "near lizard"); pronounced PLEH-see-oh-SAW-rus

Oceans worldwide

Historical Period:
Lower-Middle Jurassic (135 to 120 million years ago)

Size and Weight:
Approximately 15 feet long and 1,000 pounds

Fish and mollusks

Distinctive Characteristics:
Long neck; tapered body; blunt flippers; small head with sharp teeth

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we specialize in offering rare, authentic fossils from Morocco, including Mosasaurus skulls, jaws, teeth, and a variety of other prehistoric treasures. With a commitment to quality and authenticity, we provide exceptional fossils to collectors, museums, and enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you're looking for a standout piece for your collection or an educational exhibit, we guarantee satisfaction with every purchase. Explore the fascinating world of paleontology and own a piece of ancient history today!
:Ciudad, País
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Descripción general

Tipo de listado : Standard
ID del Producto : 2543236
PVP estimado : $45.00
Precio inicial : $49
Empieza : 4th September 2024 06:16 am PDT
Finaliza : 4th October 2024 06:16 am PDT
* Todos los precios están en :moneda