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Aktuelles Gebot
21/04/2022 08:52 am

4.07ct Unheated Lilac Purple Sapphire, Sri Lanka

Abmessungen (mm)
10.550 x 7.490 x 4.980mm
Gewicht (cts)
Certified Gemstones
No Treatment

4.07ct unheated lilac sapphire from Sri Lanka.

With a medium saturation and medium tone, its particular violet hue is desirable because it is very precise.

This sapphire could be considered a pastel purple sapphire. Because its soft purple is uniformly saturated, it is a proper ‘lilac’ sapphire.

It is hard to find one in this pastel hue that is not lacking in tone and even harder to find this color in an emerald cut.

The emerald cut manifests its distinct hue while balancing its tonal, ethereal beauty.

The color does not fade out anywhere, which is why a fine light color sapphire is hard to get.

From the family of purple sapphires, this sapphire is distinct for its unique color spectrum.

It has been certified as a ‘lilac’ sapphire by Lotus Gemology. We pursue this particular certification since there are many pastel or purple sapphires described as lilac.

“The delicate purple/violet hue of this gem earns it the Lotus ‘Lilac’ distinction.”

All photos are taken in natural light, no additional lamp is used.

We note the lower the light, the more intense its lilac hue. This is the caliber of high quality unheated sapphires from Sri Lanka.

A distinct color and cut combination, this sapphire will make a sublime ring.

Lotus Report 1753-4179.

GIA Report 2347617974.

Versandanbieter Versand nach:Land Versand in den Rest der Welt
FedEx $0.00 / :Tage Tage $0.00 / :Tage Tage

A look at our selection will reveal that we are not gem dealers. The items we include for sale here come from our own private collection, with some lots used for setting our own jewelry. What we mean to say is, these are all high quality pieces that have passed through a selective eye, rather than readily available gems for sale. None of these are for sale like available "stock" in a store. Which explains why the prices may look too good to be true - we use these gems ourselves! We are artists/craftsmen/jewellers with plans to use the gems you see here some day. But until then (and for cash flow reasons), these are available to similar minds. We have a store in Singapore called the Singapore Island Jewellery Store. We work with commissioned fine jewellery pieces, gemstones, and antique jewellery. We specialize in unheated and high carat gemstones. We do not accept returns at our store. There is just too much processing involved for a small business like ours. We would rather have no sale than to have an uncertain sale. However, because Gem Rock implements a 14-day return policy for all sellers, we will accept returns and charge a 10% restocking fee. Shipping and insurance charges are not refundable. Exchanges may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
:Stadt Land
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Auflistungstyp : Standard
Produkt ID : 1188789
Startgebot : $5,800
Beginnt : 19th April 2022 06:45 am PDT
Endet : 21st April 2022 08:52 am PDT
* Alle Preise verstehen sich in :Währung