Andesine Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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Andesine is a spicy red gemstone and a newer kid on the block of gemstones! The unofficial stone of the Congo, andesine feldspar’s striking cherry hues can be even more intense than rubies and pyrope garnets.

Is andesine a feldspar? Yes! Andesine is a plagioclase feldspar with a composition between that of oligoclase and labradorite..

Its bold colors and warm energy are believed to make andesine a stress-relieving, grounding stone that melts your worries away.

The mysterious crystal has even found itself at the center of some controversy, but more on that later.

Want to learn more about this contemporary crimson stone? Then come along asour Gem Rock Auctions expertsunearth andesine’s properties, uses, value, and more in this Andesine Gemstone Guide.

andesine feldspar gemstone

What Is An Andesine Stone?

Andesine is a feldspar variety with a few pseudonyms, many of which are used interchangeably:

  • Andesine

  • Andesine-Feldspar

  • Andesine-Labradorite

  • Sodic plagioclase (a general term for sodium-dominant feldspars)

  • Stone of Magic

  • Sun Stone of the Congo (not to be confused with sunstone, another reddish feldspar gem)

The name “andesine” pays homage to the mineral’s initial place of discovery, the Andes Mountains. Similarly, “labradorite” derives from Labrador, Canada, where labradorite was first discovered.

Andesine occurs in various colors, from red and honey-red to orange, yellow, champagne, and green. The semi-precious gemstone often shows greenish hints and a faint metallic shiller (or labradorescence). Some are even color-changing, displaying different hues under different types of lighting.

Although labradorite is a zodiac stone for the Aquarius sign in astrology, andesine isn’t associated with a specific sign.

However, it can be gifted as an alternative wedding anniversary stone to garnets for celebrating 2 years or rubies for celebrating 40 years.

Chemically, what kind of stone is andesine-labradorite?

green and red andesine feldspar gemstone faceted

Andesine Specifications & Characteristics

Andesine is a variety of plagioclase, a feldspar subgroup high in sodium and low in calcium.

All plagioclase feldspars are composed of albite (sodium aluminum silicate) and anorthite (calcium aluminum silicate) in varying compositions. Other plagioclase minerals include bytownite, moonstone, oligoclase, and spectrolite, among others.

Andesine has a ratio of 30 to 50 percent anorthite to 50 to 70 percent albite, so some mineralogists classify it as an albite variety.

In terms of habits, andesine rarely forms as crystals; when it does, they’re usually small. Andesine crystals often display Albite, Pericline, and Carlsbad twinning. Usually, andesine is found in granular or massive habits.

Here’s an overview of andesine’s mineral traits:

  • Chemical formula: (Na,Ca)[Al(Si,Al)Si2O8]

  • Mohs hardness: 6 to 6.5

  • Color: White, gray, green, yellow, red, orange, pink, champagne, golden

  • Crystal structure: Triclinic

  • Luster: Sub-vitreous or pearly

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.56 to 1.57; Increases with higher calcium content

  • Density: 2.66 to 2.68; Increases with higher calcium content

  • Cleavage: Perfect on {001}, good/distinct on {010}

  • Fracture: Subconchoidal or irregular/uneven

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence (weak); Red, blue, pink, yellow, or yellowish-brown in SW-UV, violet in MW-UV, and yellowish-white, orange, or orange-red in LW-UV

  • Birefringence: 0.009

  • Pleochroism: None

  • Dispersion: Weak to none

  • Optical effects: Sometimes color-changing

So what is andesine’s story?

red andesine feldspar gemstone faceted heart

Is Red Andesine Natural?

You might have heard the names “Chinese andesine” or “Tibet sunstone” or “Tibetan andesine” used for red andesine or andesine-labradorite. These terms emerged in the early 2000s for supposedly naturally red “untreated” andesine gemstones from Tibet, China, and Congo.

Gemologists got on the case quickly, as no naturally red andesine had been verified from anywhere except Oregon, USA, where Oregon sunstone — a labradorite variety naturally colored red by copper — is found.

After much analysis and controversy, researchers concluded that most of the transparent red andesine marketed from these sources was actually pale andesine that had been treated.

Andesine Feldspar History

As mentioned earlier, andesine was named for its occurrence in the Andes of South America. The mineral was discovered in the Marmato mine of Colombia, first mentioned in a report from Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius in 1842.

Andesine emerged in the world of gems in the early 2000s, making waves throughout the industry.

When andesine first flooded the market in the 2000s, it was marketed as natural, untreated andesine straight from the Congo.

However, skepticism within the industry sparked a lengthy investigation and unveiled that most supposedly untreated, transparent red Congolese and Tibetan andesine was really just material enhanced in China.

The repercussions of this revelation rippled throughout the industry. Not only were genuine andesine retailers impacted, but consumer trust plummeted.

Within the last few years, faith has been steadily restoring. Andesine’s popularity is resurrecting and capturing the industry’s interest with its bold and tantalizing hues.

Metaphysically, what is the meaning of andesine?

Yellow Andesine Feldspar healing stone

Andesine Healing Properties

Joining the ranks of other crystals, andesine is a popular and potent healing stone for enhancing your body, mind, and spirit. It’s not called the “Stone of Magic” for nothing!

The clarity and focus andesine provides are especially beneficial for creatives, such as artists, writers, and musicians.

Physical Healing

Andesine’s energy is considered incredibly healing for your physical body. As a stone that clears negative energy, it can clear many distressing physical ailments that can worsen and impact the quality of life.

Some of the physical healing traits associated with andesine include:

  • Regulate your circulatory system

  • Remedy eye and brain diseases

  • Ease chronic pain

  • Regulate your respiratory system

  • Regulate your metabolism

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, what is andesine used for? If you struggle with confidence, andesine can inspire self-esteem allowing you to feel better about yourself.

Are you seeking emotional balance? Andesine’s also known to dispel any negative energies surrounding you. The result is a more positive mindset, higher energy levels, and less stress.

Now, what is the spiritual meaning of andesine?

Chakra Healing

As a heart chakra stone, andesine connects you to the spiritual realm and promotes inner healing.

In addition to removing negative energies in your proximity, it allows you to expand your consciousness and keep you safe during introspective and spiritual journeys.

Moving on, what is andesine worth? It call comes down to gemstone grading.

faceted red andesine gemstone with trillion shape

Andesine Gemstone Properties

Experts grade gems based on various factors. Andesine is graded according to color, cut, clarity, carat weight, and treatments.


Red and orange andesine colors result from copper and hematite impurities. The stone often has hints of green and a slight labradorescent effect (a play of colors).

The optical phenomenon known as aventurescence or schiller happens when hematite inclusions create a glittery-metallic appearance. Rare color-changing andesines shift from vibrant purple or reddish under incandescence to deep green under natural light.

Is red andesine valuable? Generally, the more intense and brighter the red hue, the higher the value.

Red andesine is rare, but so is green andesine. Green andesine occurs because of a higher presence of copper. These, along with aventurescent and color-changing andesine, are scarce and sought-after.


Andesine is most often faceted rather than cut en cabochon.

Genuine andesine of facetable quality is extremely rare (and priced accordingly). Like other gemstones, unique shapes and custom cuts are more valuable than simpler oval and round shapes.

Because of andesine’s brittle tenacity, it’s not an ideal stone for rings (especially without proper protective settings).

Rough (uncut) andesine is also widely available at much more accessible prices.


Most andesine is characterized with a Type II colored gemstone clarity grade, meaning there are few visible inclusions. However, heavily-included, more opaque specimens do exist.

Eye-clean andesine (especially with greater transparency) will always fetch a higher price in the market, whereas highly-included specimens are usually sold at lower prices.

Carat Weight

Andesine stones range up to a few carats. Because of its lower availability, the price per carat increases with size. However, natural andesine from verified sources can garner a premium.

Typically, transparent crystals are rarer and more valuable, particularly in larger sizes.


Most andesine for sale is enhanced in some way.

The gem’s red hues are often achieved through diffusion (“diffusing” coloring elements onto the gem through a heating process) with copper. This can be combined with other treatments, like irradiation (using electromagnetic radiation to enhance color).

But before andesine ever makes it to appraisal, it has to form!

rough andesine specimen on quartz from old bavarian minePictured above: Sharp, blocky, lustrous, black-skinned andesine crystal set in massive quartz matrix with a few micro pyrrhotites; Accompanying German label from December 24, 1921; Found in Bavaria, Germany | Image credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Andesine Formation & Sources

Andesine typically occurs in igneous rocks like andesites and anorthosites. Alternatively, andesine can form from other minerals inside rocks that undergo granulite facies (high-temperature, moderate-pressure) to amphibolite facies (moderate- to high-temperature, moderate-pressure) metamorphism.

Less often, it occurs in granites and syenites. It forms when a specific magma flows out to the surface as lava and cools down.

Besides andesite, andesine is also commonly found in the igneous rocks like syenite, diorite, and granodiorite.

Commonly associated minerals include:

Globally, where can andesine be found?

Mining Locations

We know andesine comes from the Andes Mountains, but besides that, where are the primary mining locations for andesine feldspar?

This mineral is most prevalent in volcanic regions throughout the world. Most of the pale andesine that gets treated was originally found in Mongolia or Mexico. other notable localities of andesine include:

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • Colombia

  • Germany

  • India

  • Madagascar

  • United States (California, Colorado, Maine, Oregon)

Ready to spoil yourself with andesine? Let’s talk price.

dual tone red yellow andesine feldspar gemstone faceted

Andesine Price & Value

If you’re looking for an alternative to more expensive red gems, andesine is an excellent option. Its varied colors make it a versatile stone for complementing different jewelry designs and crystal collections.

In terms of affordability, rough andesine is typically the most budget-friendly. Rough specimens generally sell for $7 to $20 per carat. Lower-quality specimens can range between $0.70 to $2 per carat.

Faceted andesine is rarer and thus more expensive. These gems usually cost around $50 to $150 per carat, with lower-quality gems starting at about $10 to $20 per carat.

On the other hand, you can find cabochons priced between $10 to $60 per carat.

The price of andesine jewelry varies on gem quality, alloys used, and other gems integrated into the designs. Some typical prices are as follows:

  • Rings: Anywhere between $100 to $20,000

  • Bracelets: Anywhere between $45 to $1000

  • Pendants: Anywhere between $50 to $3400

Learning how to care for your gemstones will ensure you get years of enjoyment from your andesine.

So, how should andesine feldspar gemstones be cared for to maintain their beauty and integrity?

Andesine Care and Maintenance

As far as durability, andesine registers 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. Although moderately hard, it’s relatively brittle and prone to cracking — but don’t worry, you’ll still be able to sport some andesine jewelry!

To clean your andesine, use a soft, clean cloth and water mixed with gentle soap. Rinse and dry it thoroughly before storing it in a cool, dark place away from harder materials that could damage the gem’s surface.

Keep your andesine away from:

  • Extreme or prolonged heat

  • Excessive pressure or potential impact

  • Harsh, abrasive cleaning agents/chemicals

Follow these tips and your andesine will endure the ages.

deep red andesine feldspar gemstone faceted

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about andesine? We have answers:

What are the natural colors of andesine feldspar?

Most andesine feldspars are actually pale shades of yellow, orange, gray, green, or brown. The famous bright red, green, and color-changing hues are rare for untreated andesine.

What kind of stone is andesine labradorite?

Andesine and labradorite are both plagioclase feldspar varieties. Labradorite’s composition varies from 50 to 70 percent anorthite and 30 to 50 percent albite.

Since the anorthite to albite ratio can be 50/50 on labradorite and andesite, stones that fall within that overlap are often labeled “andesine-labradorite.”

However, many of the treated stones labeled as “natural red andesine” that we discussed earlier may be labeled as “red labradorite” to avoid the negative connotations, yet still be treated.

Is andesine a sunstone?

Since “sunstone” is more of a visual descriptor than a mineral classification, some sunstones can be andesine. Many andesines labeled as sunstones have a labradorite-andesine composition.

But material marketed as “Tibetan sunstone” is often pale andesine from elsewhere that’s been diffusion-treated with copper.

How can I distinguish genuine andesine feldspar from imitations or treated stones?

Separating genuine andesine feldspar from imitations (AKA simulants) is pretty straightforward. You can use standard gemstone testing tools to compare basic properties like refractive index, birefringence, and density to those of andesine.

Separating genuine andesine from treated stones is trickier.

First, know that some red andesine from Tibet is natural and untreated, but separating it from treated andesine is a challenge that requires advanced gemological expertise and analysis.

Some International School of Gemology (ISG) researchers found that the internal lamella (or “ribbons”) — normal on any andesine — on treated stones were close to or broke through the gem’s surface and were often filled with foreign diffusion material.

Are there any metaphysical properties associated with andesine feldspar?

Absolutely! Some of the metaphysical properties associated with andesine include:

  • Boosting mental clarity & focus

  • Clearing negative energies

  • Regulating bodily systems

  • Increasing self-confidence

  • Opening the heart chakra

  • Facilitating self-reflection & spiritual growth

What factors influence the value of andesine feldspar in the gemstone market?

The most important factors for andesine feldspar gemstone value is color and lack of treatments — naturally bright colors like reds and greens, along with optical effects like color-change or aventurescence, will command higher prices.

Cut and carat weight is also important, as large, facetable andesine crystals are rare.

Transparency and clarity also matter, with greater transparency and fewer inclusions meaning higher value.

Can andesine feldspar be used in jewelry making?

Yes! Andesine can be used in all sorts of jewelry, though earrings, necklaces, and pendants are safer from scratches.

Generally, faceted andesine jewelry will be pricier than jewelry that uses andesine cabochons or beads.

Are there any famous pieces or collections featuring andesine feldspar gemstones?

Unfortunately, andesine gemstones are most famous for their controversial diffusion treatment history. But rare andesine gems with optical phenomenon join the ranks of stones like aventurine and alexandrite on lists of aventurescent or color-changing gems, respectively.

faceted orange and yellow andesine gemstone with sunset coloring

Cure the Blues with Red Andesine!

Nothing good comes easy — that is especially true for andesine!

Though the gem found itself in some scandal in recent years, andesine’s comeback is proving to be much greater than its setback. Today, its alluring cinnamon hues continue to capture the hearts of gem enthusiasts, crystal healers, and gemologists alike.

Whether you’re looking to add a pop of red to your monochromatic look or pining for a crystal that eliminates all the bad vibes — andesine is a gem worthy of a spot in your crystal collection.

Buy andesine gemstones today!









  • 中长石

  • 中长石

  • 中长石-拉长石

  • 钠斜长石(以钠为主的长石的总称)

  • 魔法之石

  • 刚果太阳石(不要与另一种红色长石宝石太阳石混淆)


另一方面,“长石”可能源自德国矿工使用的术语。 “费尔德”是坚硬岩石的名称,“贝特”指的是在受到撞击时形成平坦表面的岩石和矿物。


然而,这种半宝石可以作为结婚周年纪念石的替代品作为礼物送给庆祝 2 周年的石榴石或庆祝 40 周年的红宝石。







至于耐久性,中长石的莫氏硬度为 6 至 6.5。虽然硬度适中,但相对较脆且容易开裂 — 但别担心,您仍然可以佩戴一些中长石首饰!


  • 化学式:(Na,Ca)[Al(Si,Al)Si2O8]

  • 矿物家族:硅酸盐 — 斜长石 — 长石

  • 成分:钠、钙、铝、硅和氧

  • 莫氏硬度:6 至 6.5

  • 颜色: 白色、灰色、绿色、黄色、红色、橙色

  • 晶体结构: 三斜晶系

  • 光泽: 亚玻璃光泽,珍珠光泽

  • 透明度: 透明到半透明

  • 折射率:1.56 至 1.57

  • 双折射:0.009

  • 密度:2.66 至 2.68

  • 乳沟:完美

  • 断裂: 亚贝壳状到不均匀

  • 韧性:脆

  • 条纹:白色

  • 发光:荧光(弱); SW-UV 为红色,MW-UV 为紫色,LW-UV 为黄白色至橙红色

  • 多色性:无

  • 光学效果:有时会变色

  • 治疗方法:扩散、辐射、加热




如前所述,中长石因产于南美洲的安第斯山脉而得名。 2003 年的某个时候,尼拉贡戈山(一座活跃的成层火山)在刚果发现了这种矿物。

然而,一些专家声称中长石早在 1841 年就被描述为在哥伦比亚的 Marmato 矿中发现。


当中长石在 2000 年代首次涌入市场时,它作为直接来自刚果的天然、未经处理的中长石进行销售。然而,业内的怀疑引发了漫长的调查,并揭露了所谓未经处理的刚果中长石实际上只是来自中国的强化材料。











  • 调节您的循环系统

  • 治疗眼睛和脑部疾病

  • 缓解慢性疼痛

  • 调节你的呼吸系统

  • 调节你的新陈代谢























大多数中长石的特征为 II 类有色宝石净度等级,这意味着它们几乎没有可见的内含物。然而,确实存在内含物较多、更不透明的标本。















  • 澳大利亚

  • 加拿大

  • 哥伦比亚

  • 德国

  • 印度

  • 马达加斯加

  • 美国(加利福尼亚州、缅因州、俄勒冈州)





就可负担性而言,中长石原石通常是最经济实惠的。毛坯标本一般售价为每克拉 7 到 20 美元。低质量标本的价格在每克拉 0.70 美元到 2 美元之间。

刻面中长石更为稀有,因此更加昂贵。这些宝石的价格通常在每克拉 50 到 150 美元左右,低品质宝石的起价约为每克拉 10 到 20 美元。

另一方面,您可以找到价格在每克拉 10 到 60 美元之间的凸圆形宝石


  • 戒指:100 美元到 20,000 美元之间的任何地方

  • 手镯:45 美元到 1000 美元之间的任何地方

  • 吊坠:50 美元到 3400 美元之间的任何地方






  • 极端或长时间的高温

  • 压力过大或潜在影响

  • 刺激性、研磨性清洁剂/化学品








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