Ross Sedawie
Ross Sedawie

發佈於28th Aug 2023

修改於4th Sep 2023

Periclase Gemstone: Nneɛma, Nkyerɛase, Botae & Nea Ɛkeka Ho

Periclase yɛ abɔde mu magnesium oxide aboɔden abo a wonim no yiye sɛ ɛyɛ gyinapɛn wɔ aboɔden abo ne abɔde mu nneɛma ho nhwehwɛmu mu, ne nneɛma afoforo a wɔde di dwuma wɔ aguadi mu. Wɔahu periclase mpo wɔ meteorites a efi owia nebula no mu!

So periclase ho yɛ na? Aboɔden abo no abu so koraa, nanso nneɛma a ɛwɔ anim no ho yɛ na koraa, na ɛma aboɔden abo a ɛwɔ afã horow a ɛwɔ periclase no yɛ nketewa na ɛyɛ den sɛ wobenya.

Ɛno akyi no, wɔayɛ periclase a wɔayɛ no sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a wɔbɛyɛ nhwehwɛmu ne aboɔden abo nyinaa. Sɛ wɔtɔn sɛ aboɔden abo a, ɛtɔ mmere bi a wɔfrɛ periclase a wɔayɛ no sɛ “lavernite.”

Wopɛ sɛ wusua pii? Bata ho na woahu periclase agyapade, ne bo, tumi, abakɔsɛm, ne nea ɛkeka ho nyinaa!

periclase aboɔden abo Mfonini a ɛwɔ atifi hɔ no: Periklase a ɛwɔ nikel a ɛyɛ ahabammono a srebrodolskite tuntum | Mfonini no fi: Thomas Witzke, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Ɛfa Periclase Ɔbo ho

Periclase yɛ abɔde mu aboɔden abo a ne bo yɛ fã bi a ɛntaa nsi , ɛwom sɛ wobetumi apaw nneɛma a wɔayɛ de. Nkyerɛwde afoforo a wɔde kyerɛw ɔbo no din no bi ne:

  • Periclasa a wɔfrɛ no Periclasa

  • Periclasia a ɛma nipadua no yɛ adwuma

  • Periclasite a wɔde yɛ aduru

Ɛtɔ mmere bi a wobetumi agyina sɛnea ɛte ne aboɔden abo mu nneɛma bi a ɛka bom te sɛ refractive indices, optic character, ne density so de afrafra green periclase (titiriw synthetic specimens) ne green grossular garnet .

Nanso, ade biako a ebetumi ama ɛda nsow (a nnuru a wɔde yɛ nhwehwɛmu da nkyɛn) ne grossular garnet’s fluorescence.

Sɛnea ɛte sɛ grossular garnet no ma ɛyɛ ɔkwan foforo a wɔfa so yɛ January awo abo ne ayeforohyia afe a ɛto so abien .

Dɛn na Wɔde Periclase Di Dwuma?

Abɔde mu periclase ne nea wɔayɛ nyinaa wɔ mfiridwuma ne nhwehwɛmu mu nneɛma ahorow a wɔde di dwuma.

Esiane sɛnea periclase nhyehyɛe yɛ mmerɛw (te sɛ halite) ne sɛnea egyina pintinn kɛse nti, wɔtaa de di dwuma sɛ gyinapɛn a wɔde di dwuma wɔ aboɔden abo ne abɔde mu nneɛma ho adesua a wɔsɔ hwɛ mu.

Wɔde abɔde mu periclase ne nea wɔayɛ nyinaa di dwuma wɔ mfiridwuma mu. Sɛ nhwɛso no, wɔde periclase yɛ birikisi a wɔde yɛ fononoo a ɛmma ogya ntumi nhyew . Nokwarem no, aboɔden abo a ɛho hia sen biara a ɛyɛ den a wɔde yɛ dade ne periclase, a wohu wɔ nneɛma a ɛmma ogya ntumi nhyew mu ma:

  • Spinel-magnesia a ɛma nipadua no yɛ adwuma

  • Chrome-magnesia a wɔde yɛ nneɛma

  • Forsterite-magnesia a ɛma nipadua no yɛ adwuma

  • Magnesia a wɔde yɛ adwuma

  • Dolomite a wɔahyew a awu

Wobetumi de periclase nso adi dwuma sɛ dade gasket a ɛma anyinam ahoɔden atew ne ho wɔ diamond anvil cells , a ɛyɛ mfiri a wɔde de nneɛma nketenkete gu nhyɛso a emu yɛ den ase mu. Ebia eyi fã bi fi sɛ periclase kɔ so gyina hɔ pintinn kodu anyɛ yiye koraa no nhyɛso 360 GPa (gigapascals).

periclase danee magnesium oxide powder nhwɛsode Mfonini a ɛwɔ atifi hɔ no: Magnesium oxide powder nhwɛsode | Mfonini no fi: Adam Rędzikowski, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Periclase Nkyerɛkyerɛmu & Su ahorow

Sɛ́ magnesium oxide mineral no, periclase formula ne MgO. Iron, nickel, manganese, ne zinc betumi asi magnesium ananmu wɔ aduan a wɔde yɛ aduan no mu. Mineral periclase no wɔ periclase kuw no mu.

Sɛ periclase da nkyɛn a, dɛn ne aboɔden abo a ɛwɔ periclase kuw no mu? Wɔne:

  • Bunsenite (nikel oxide) .

  • Manganosite (manganese oxide) a ɛwɔ nipadua no mu.

  • Wüstite (dade a wɔde yɛ nneɛma) .

Wüstite ne periclase yɛ aduru a ɛyɛ den a ɛtoatoa so, a wüstite yɛ dade awiei na periclase yɛ magnesium awiei. Wobetumi afrɛ ntamgyinafo no ferropericlase (periclase a dade wom) anaa magnesiowüstite (wüstite a magnesium wom), na mpɛn pii no edin abien yi yɛ nea ɛne ne ho di nsɛ.

Dɛn ne ahwehwɛ su a ɛwɔ periclase mu? Mpɛn pii no, periclase ba sɛ nnua a ɛyɛ kurukuruwa anaasɛ ɛnyɛ pɛpɛɛpɛ, mpɛn pii no ɛyɛ ahwehwɛ a ɛyɛ anhedral kosi subhedral wɔ abotan a ɛwɔ abotan mu te sɛ marble mu.

Ɛbɛtumi nso aba sɛ octahedral, cuboctahedral, cubic, anaa dodecahedral crystals — octahedral na ɛtaa ba wɔ eyinom mu. Ebia ahwehwɛ ayɛ akuwakuw. Aboɔden abo no nso ba wɔ suban akɛse mu.

Periclase nneɛma a wɔakyerɛw:

  • Mohs denden : 5.5-6

  • Kɔla : Enni kɔla, fitaa, fitaa-fitaa, fitaa, kɔkɔɔ, bruu-kɔla, ahabammono, tuntum

  • Ahwehwɛ nhyehyɛe : Isometric/cubic

  • Luster : Vitreous anaa nea ɛwɔ ase

  • Transparency : Ɛyɛ nea ɛda adi pefee kosi nea ɛda adi pefee

  • Nneɛma a ɛma hann yɛ hyew : 1.732-1.745

  • Nnipa dodow : 3.55-3.68

  • Cleavage : Ɛyɛ pɛpɛɛpɛ wɔ {001} so, ɛnyɛ pɛ wɔ {111} so; Ɛtɔ da bi a, mpaepaemu wɔ {011} so.

  • Fracture : Ɛnyɛ pɛpɛɛpɛ/ɛnyɛ pɛpɛɛpɛ anaasɛ ɛyɛ conchoidal

  • Streak : Ɛyɛ fitaa

  • Luminescence : Ɛtɔ da bi a fluorescence wɔ hɔ - ɛyɛ kɔkɔɔ a ɛyɛ mmerɛw wɔ LW-UV mu

  • Pleochroism : Biara nni hɔ

  • Birefringence : Biara nni hɔ

  • Apete : Wonnim

  • Optical phenomena : Ɛntaa mma sɛ adularescence

tactite abotan fitaa a periclase ne aboɔden abo afoforo wom Mfonini a ɛwɔ atifi hɔ no: Tactite abotan a periclase, calcite, ferroan spinel, ne magnesium-titanium borate aboɔden abo afoforo wom | Mfonini no fi: James St. John, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Periclase Abakɔsɛm

Italiani oduruyɛfo ne aboɔden abo ho ɔbenfo Arcangelo Scacchi na odii kan kaa periclase ho asɛm wɔ aban kwan so wɔ 1841 mu a egyina nhwɛsode ahorow a efi Bepɔw Somma a ɛwɔ Campania, Italy, a mprempren ɛyɛ aboɔden abo no su beae so. Wohuu type material no wɔ Monte Somma ogya bepɔw no mu wɔ limestone xenoliths a wɔasesa mu a ɛbɛn forsterite, magnesite , ne hydromagnesite.

Scacchi too ɔbo no din “periclasia” fii Hela nsɛmfua peri a ɛkyerɛ “atwa ho ahyia” ne klasis a ɛkyerɛ “abubu” mu de kyerɛ sɛnea aboɔden abo no mu paapae pɛpɛɛpɛ no.

Wodii kan tɔn aboɔden abo a wɔde ayɛ periclase wɔ agude gua so wɔ 1969 mu wɔ edin “Lavernite” ase.

Nanso, na wɔfrɛ periclase abo nso wɔ tete mmere mu sɛ “magnesia” anaa “Magnesia Abo,” sɛ na wohuu magnesium oxide (periclase), magnesium carbonate a nsu wom (hydromagnesite), ne iron oxide aboɔden abo (te sɛ magnetite) wɔ Magnesia mantam mu wɔ tete Anatolia a ɛwɔ hɔ no.

Nokwarem no, tumi a saa aboɔden abo yi wɔ no ma awiei koraa no wɔkyerɛw nsɛmfua “magnetism” ne “magnet.” Asɛmfua “magnet” yɛ Hela kasa na ɛbaa Latin kasa mu bɛyɛ afe 100 A.D., afei ɛbaa Borɔfo kasa mu bɛyɛ afe 500-600 Y.B.

Sɛ yɛreka honhom mu nneɛma a ɛkɔ so ho asɛm a, dɛn na wɔde periclase di dwuma wɔ honhom mu ayaresa mu?

Periclase Ayaresa Nneɛma

Nea wonim no kɛse sɛ ɔbo a ɛyɛ ahabammono a ɛsa yare , na nea periclase kyerɛ no da aboɔden abo afoforo a ɛyɛ ahabammono a ɛma ahomegye na ɛma anidaso adi . Wɔde di dwuma nso sɛ koma chakra ɔbo .

Nipadua mu Ayaresa

Wɔ nipadua mu no, wɔkyerɛ sɛ periclase sa ɔhaw ahorow a ɛfa:

  • Nnuan a wɔyam

  • Ti a ɛyɛ yaw

  • Ɔhome mu akwahosan

  • Mogya a ɛkɔ nipadua no mu

Nkate mu Ayaresa

Wɔ nkate fam no, ahwehwɛ ayaresafo kamfo periclase kyerɛ sɛ:

  • Dadwen ne awerɛhow a woyi fi hɔ

  • Grounding a wɔde yɛ adwuma

  • Akokoduru ne ahoɔden a wɔbɛhyɛ ho nkuran

periklase ahwehwɛ fitaa ketewaa bi a efi california a ruler ne krataa a ɛkyerɛkyerɛ nsɛm pɔtee mu Mfonini a ɛwɔ atifi hɔ no: Periklase fitaa ketewaa bi a efi Crestmore, California, U.S.A., wɔ UBC Geological Museum Mineral Collection | Mfonini no fi: Pacific Asase Tete Nneɛma Akorae a efi Canada, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Periclase Aboɔden Aboɔ Nneɛma a Ɛwɔ Hɔ

Periclase aboɔden abo bo gyina ne kɔla, ne twitwa, nea emu da hɔ, sɛnea ɛda adi, ne ne mu duru a ɛyɛ carat, ne sɛ ebia ɛyɛ abɔde anaasɛ nea wɔayɛ.


Wobetumi ahu periclase wɔ kɔla a enni kɔla, fitaa, fitaa, anaa tuntum, ne kɔla a ɛhyerɛn te sɛ kɔkɔɔ, ahabammono, anaa bruu-kɔla. Kɔla a ɛyɛ ahabammono anaa tuntum a ɛwɔ abɔde mu nneɛma mu no taa fi nneɛma a wɔde ka ho mu. Kɔla pii fi efĩ mu, te sɛ:

  • Dade – a ɛyɛ bruu

  • Chromium – ahabammono (a ɛtaa yɛ nea wɔayɛ) .

  • Chromium ne dade – ahabammono

  • Manganese ne zinc – sare-ahabammono

Kɔla ahorow a ɛhyerɛn na ɛho tew no som bo kɛse.


Esiane sɛ abɔde mu facetable rough ho yɛ na koraa nti, saa periclase aboɔden abo yi betumi de mfaso kɛse aba. Abo a ɛwɔ afã horow a ɛwɔ periclase no mu dodow no ara yɛ nea wɔayɛ. Nneɛma a wɔtaa twitwa no yɛ ahinanan anaa emerald nsusuwii.

Wobetumi nso atwitwa periclase sɛ cabochons anaasɛ wɔtɔn no rough (wɔntwitwaa).

Nsɛm a ɛda adi pefee & Nsɛm a ɛda adi pefee

Clarity kyerɛkyerɛ sɛnea nneɛma a wotumi hu ka aboɔden abo mu, a ebetumi ama ne pefeeyɛ ne ne bo so atew.

Ade biako a ɛka ho ne periclase cabochon a wɔntaa nhu a efi Myanmar (a Gemological Institute of America, GIA, hyɛɛ no ​​nsow wɔ 2003 mu) a na nsu a wɔde ka ho a ɛma ɛyɛ adularescence, emu hyerɛn nkɛntɛnso a wohu wɔ aboɔden abo te sɛ ɔsram abo mu , na ɛma ne bo yɛɛ kɛse.

Ɛwom sɛ periclase yɛ translucent kosi transparent de, nanso ne transparency betumi ayɛ den sɛ wobehu wɔ kɛse ketewaa a ɛwɔ hɔ facetable natural rough.

Wɔahu nneɛma ahorow a wɔde ka ho wɔ abo a wɔde ayɛ periclase mu, a nea ɛka ho ne:

  • Merwinite na ɔkyerɛwee

  • Monticellite-forsterite ntoatoaso, ɛtɔ mmere bi a nnompe mu hann a ɛyɛ nwonwa nyin

  • Mpaapaemu a ɛyɛ tẽẽ

  • Semɛnte a wɔde yɛ den (dicalcium anaa tricalcium silicate) .

  • “Rɔba” tuntum a wɔde ayɛ slag asinasin (a ɛwɔ phosphorus) .

  • Fase a ɛyɛ den a ɛwɔ nhyehyɛe a ɛte sɛ ogyaframa

  • Calcite ne aragonite nano-crystals anaa nneɛma nketenkete (a mpɛn pii no wɔde nneɛma a wɔayɛ) .

  • Hematite a ɛwɔ nipadua no mu

  • Multi-phase nsuo a wɔde ka ho a nsuo a wɔanfrafra ne gas phases ka ho

  • Nsuo a wɔde ka ho a ɛyɛ ahinanan anaa ahinanan

  • Nneɛma a wɔde ka ho a ɛyɛ kurukuruwa a ɛne olivine fã ahorow a ɛwɔ forsterite-monticellite ntoatoaso no hyia

  • Ahwehwɛ a enye a ɛte sɛ mprɛte a ne nsusuwii yɛ ahinanan

  • Twe adwene si mununkum so pintinn

  • Ahurututu nketewa a ɛyɛ kurukuruwa

Nneɛma a wɔde ka ho a ɛwɔ hɔ no betumi agyina sɛnea wɔyɛɛ periclase no so.

Carat Mu duru & Ne Kɛse

Dodow no ara abɔde facetable periclase rough yɛ ketewaa koraa, na ɛkame ayɛ sɛ bere nyinaa saa aboɔden abo yi nnu 1 carat. Periklase aboɔden abo a wɔayɛ no betumi ayɛ akɛse kɛse, na ebinom a wɔayɛ no te sɛ aboɔden abo a ɛyɛ rough bɛboro carat 115.

Nneɛma a wɔde yɛ nneɛma

Seesei de, wunim sɛ periclase a wɔayɛ no pii wɔ hɔ. Wɔabɔ no wɔ akwan horow so, efi magnesia a ɛnyɛ den a wɔyɛ (sɛ nea efi mu ba) so kosi carbon arc-fusion akwan horow so. Nyansahufo da so ara reyɛ akwan pii ho adwuma, a ɛkyerɛ sɛ wobetumi anya periclase aboɔden abo a wɔayɛ no kɛse daakye.

Abɔde mu periclase aboɔden abo akɛse a enni hɔ no betumi ama ayɛ den sɛ wobehu periclase a wɔayɛ no, efisɛ aboɔden abo ho animdefo nni abɔde mu nneɛma pii a wɔde bɛtoto ho.

periclase ahwehwɛ nketewa a ɛyɛ ahabammono a ɛyɛ fitaa wɔ matrix a efi pumice mine mu Mfonini a ɛwɔ atifi hɔ no: Periklase ahwehwɛ nketewa a ɛyɛ hann a ɛyɛ fitaa-ahabammono a wɔde matrix a efi tete pumice a wotu mu | Mfonini no fie: Rob Lavinsky, m – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Periclase Nkyekyɛmu & Nneɛma a Ɛfiri Hɔ

Periclase minerals ba esiane contact metamorphism wɔ ɔhyew a ɛkɔ soro wɔ marbles mu nti. Saa aboɔden abo yi bae bere a dolomite limestone ahorow no danee ne ho no. Wobetumi nso ahu wɔ abotan afoforo a ɛne ne ho di nkitaho te sɛ magnesian-skarn ne brucite-marble mu.

Sɛ periclase kɔ nsakrae a ɛba fam mu a, ɛdan brucite . Periclase nso betumi asesa ayɛ brucite ne magnesium mineral afoforo afi nsu a ɛwɔ mu, te sɛ ɔhyew tebea horow mu.

Mmeae a Wɔtu Tuo

Wohu abɔde mu aburow a wobetumi atwitwa ayɛ no aboɔden abo titiriw wɔ California (U.S.A.) ne Italy. Mpɔtam afoforo a ɛho hia ne:

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • Czechia na ɛwɔ hɔ

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Russia

  • Slovakia na ɛwɔ hɔ

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • U.S.A. (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas) .

Periclase Bo & Ne Bo

Mprempren, ɛnyɛ pii faceted periclase aboɔden abo wɔ gua so, enti sɛ wɔbɛkyerɛ bo a wɔbɔ wɔ ɔkwan a ɛkɔ akyiri so no nyɛ nea wobetumi ayɛ mprempren.

Nanso, wubetumi anya rough periclase nhwɛsode pii a wɔtɔn.

Periclase a ɛyɛ mmerɛw no mu biara fi bɛyɛ dɔla 30 kosi dɔla 70, gye sɛ ɛyɛ nhwɛsode kɛse bi a aboɔden abo afoforo wom, a ebetumi ayɛ nea ɛboro dɔla 500.

periclase microcrystals a ɛwɔ ɛlɛtrɔnik afiri a wɔde hwɛ nneɛma nketenkete ase Mfonini a ɛwɔ atifi hɔ: Periclase microcrystals a ɛwɔ electron microscope ase | Mfonini no fi: Dertyren33, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Periclase Hwɛ ne Nsiesiei

In terms of gemstone care , periclase hardness is relatively good, nanso ne mpaapaemu a edi mũ no kyerɛ sɛ ebetumi abubu ntɛmntɛm bere a wɔbɔ no denneennen. Ɛsɛ sɛ periclase agude biara nya nneɛma a ɛbɔ ho ban .

Ade titiriw biako a ɛsɛ sɛ wosusuw ho ne sɛ faceted synthetic periclase gems taa nya brucite a ɛyɛ tratraa wɔ wɔn ani esiane sɛ ɛne nsu a ɛyɛ nwini di nkitaho nti. Enti, fa periclase sie baabi a ɛhɔ yɛ nwini na ɛhɔ yɛ kusuu na fa ntama a ɛyɛ mmerɛw na ɛyɛ nwunu nkutoo popa fam.

So Periclase Kanyan W’anigye?

Ebia periclase nyɛ ofie din te sɛ ka sɛ, peridot, nanso ɛnyɛ fɛ koraa. Sɛ́ ɛyɛ abɔde mu nneɛma anaasɛ nea wɔayɛ no, periclase aboɔden abo yɛ aduru a ɛfata ma obiara a ɔpɛ aboɔden abo anaa nea ɔboaboa ano.

Kɔtɔ periclase ne aboɔden abo afoforo nnɛ!




搜尋Gemstone Encyclopedia


Sɛnea Wobɛtɔ Aboɔden abo Wɔ Intanɛt So

Momma yɛnkyerɛkyerɛ sɛnea wɔtɔ aboɔden abo wɔ intanɛt so. Yɛwɔ aboɔden aboɔ a ɛso sen biara wɔ intanɛt so na ɛbɛtumi ayɛ den kakra wɔ mfitiaseɛ no. Ma yɛmfa afotu bi a mfaso wɔ so mmoa wo.

3rd Oct 2018

Sɛnea Wobɛhwɛ Wo Crystals ne Gemstones

Aboɔden aboɔ ne ahwehwɛ tumi twetwe ahoɔden na ɛde kɔ, ɛno nti na ɛho hia sɛ wohohoro, san hyɛ wo mu den na woyɛ nhyehyɛeɛ ma wo aboɔ sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a ebia ɛbɛtumi ayɛ nea eye sen biara.

9th May 2018

Ɔkwan Bɛn so na Wɔyɛ Ruby Aboɔden abo?

So woasusuw sɛnea wɔyɛ Ruby aboɔden abo ho pɛn? Ayaresa ahorow pii wɔ gua so na yɛbɛboa ma yɛakyerɛkyerɛ mu

9th May 2018


Hodgkinsonite Aboɔden abo: Nneɛma, Nkyerɛase, Botae & Nea Ɛkeka Ho

Hodgkinsonite yɛ aboɔden abo a wɔboaboa ano a wɔntaa nhu koraa a wonim no sɛ ɛyɛ pink anaa kɔkɔɔ a ɛyɛ hyew, na wohu wɔ New Jersey, U.S.A. nkutoo. Sua hodgkinsonite bo, abakɔsɛm, n’agyapade, ne ne su wɔ akwankyerɛ yi mu!

9th Jun 2024

Canasite Gemstone: Nneɛma, Nkyerɛase, Botae & Nea Ɛkeka Ho

Canasite yɛ aboɔden abo a wɔntaa nhu sɛ nneɛma a ɛyɛ ahabammono-kɔla a ɛka ho wɔ charoite mu nanso wɔsan frɛ no aboɔden abo a ɛyɛ kɔkɔɔ. Sua canasite abakɔsɛm, ahorow, n’agyapade, ne ne bo wɔ akwankyerɛ yi mu.

27th May 2024

Hubnerite Gemstone: Nneɛma, Nkyerɛase, Botae & Nea Ɛkeka Ho

Hubnerite (wɔsan kyerɛw no huebnerite anaa hübnerite) yɛ tungsten ɔbo a ɛyɛ kɔkɔɔ-biribiri a wonim no sɛ ɛhyerɛn na wɔde di dwuma wɔ mfiridwuma mu. Sua hubnerite bo, abakɔsɛm, ne ne su wɔ akwankyerɛ yi mu!

13th May 2024



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