Nuummite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Nuummite 寶石:特性、含義、價值等
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Nuummite is a dark-colored yet iridescent rock from Greenland used as a gemstone. It’s beloved by crystal healers for its mysterious and mystical properties, while collectors seek out the stone for its stunning iridescence and ancient formation.

Is nuummite rare? Yes, nuummite is a very rare gem. Virtually all nuummite material comes from the original site of its discovery, Greenland. Some say Greenland nuummite is the only “real” nuummite.

Though it was discovered in the last couple of centuries, geologists believe nuummite formed during the Late Archean (Neoarchean) period. That means this ancient stone boasts a lifetime of around 3 billion years!

nuummite gemstone

About Nuummite Stone

Nuummite is a semi-precious gemstone with a dark, mystifying body color overlapped by shimmering iridescent flakes.

What is another name for nuummite? Some alternate spellings include nuummit, nuumite, and nuummit. Another nickname for nuummite is the philosopher’s stone (or sorcerer’s stone), but we’ll discuss that more in the Meanings section.

Though not a traditional birthstone, nuummite is a lucky zodiac stone for the similarly mysterious and intuitive Scorpio.

You may mix up nuummite with arfvedsonite or astrophyllite. All three stones have similar glistening flakes, but nuummite is the only rock among the three.

Nuummite Specifications & Characteristics

Nuummite is a rock, not a mineral. As a refresher, rocks are defined as being composed of more than one mineral. In this case, nuummite is a metamorphic, orthoamphibole rock with the (variable) chemical formula (Mg2)(Mg5)Si8O22(OH)2.

It’s also worth noting that the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) doesn’t officially recognize “nuummite” — this is a marketing name. The stone is often called anthophyllite-gedrite.

This opaque rock is primarily made up of two orthorhombic amphibole (orthoamphibole) minerals: anthophyllite and gedrite.

Anthophyllite is a magnesium-rich amphibole with the IMA formula Mg2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2. Gedrite is a chemically complex aluminous amphibole with the IMA formula Mg2(Mg3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2. The square symbol () indicates a framework vacancy, an imperfection where a host atom is missing or displaced from that spot in the crystal lattice.

Other minerals that often show up in nuummite are pyrrhotite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite.

The reason for nuummite’s iridescent flashes is the stone’s internal structure. The main fibrous minerals gedrite and anthophyllite form alternating, thin layers called lamellae. These layers cause light interference, like the rainbows seen on a soap bubble.

Here are the remaining properties of nuummite:

  • Mohs hardness: 5.5-6

  • Color: Black, gray, brownish-black; Patterned with blue, red, green, violet, or golden-yellow iridescent flecks

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy) or glossy

  • Transparency: Opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.63-1.66

  • Density: 3.18-3.37 (Greenland material); 2.93-3.03 (African material)

  • Cleavage: Perfect on {210} (from both anthophyllite & gedrite)

  • Fracture: Conchoidal (anthophyllite), splintery (gedrite)

  • Streak: Brown

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence sometimes present - Dark violet in SW-UV & LW-UV

  • Birefringence: 0.022

  • Pleochroism: None

  • Optical effects: Iridescence (often labradorescence)

Types of Nuummite

Nuummite only has one (unofficial) variety called jenakite.

Jenakite (AKA Sahara nuummite) was discovered in Mauritania, Northwest Africa, in 2009. This nuummite variety is distinct for containing dense bundles of acicular (needle-like) anthophyllite crystals that are green and blue rather than the primarily golden yellow (occasionally blue) anthophyllite crystals in Greenland nuummite.

Next up, we’ll look at nuummite’s mystical journey over time.

faceted nuummite gemstone in heart shape

Nuummite History & Meaning

The German mineralogist and polar explorer Karl Ludwig Giesecke technically first discovered “iridescent amphibole” in 1810. Giesecke made the discovery in Greenland’s capital city of Nuuk.

Sometime between 1905 and 1924, the Danish geologist Ove Balthasar Bøggild (or O. B. Bøggild) wrote the first scientific definition of Giesecke’s specimens.

Nuummite’s name wouldn’t come until 1982, when Dutch geologist Peter W. Uitterdijk Appel rediscovered the stone while working the Nuuk area with a team sent by the Geological Survey of Greenland. The team realized the stone had potential on the gem market, too.

Though Appel first considered “nuukite,” he changed it to “nuummite” which the Nuuk town council agreed upon for marketing purposes (to avoid associations with nukes and radioactivity).

The word “nuummite” is Greenlandic — an Inuit dialect — for “derived from Nuuk.” Pretty straightforward, right?

Fun fact: Nuummite is the only gemstone ever found in Nuuk, Greenland. The main supplier of nuummite gemstones is a local company called Nuummite Nuuk A/S, who introduced the stone to the gemstone market in 1983. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) helped the stone’s popularity really start rising when they reported on the finding in spring 1987.

Modern African Nuummite Discovery

As we mentioned earlier, the nuummite variety “jenakite” was discovered in 2009. What we didn’t mention was just how significant this discovery was.

Before 2009, Greenland was the only known nuummite source.

Taisuke Kobayashi, a researcher at the Gemmological Association of All Japan (GAAJ), first reported on the discovery of iridescent nuummite within the Sahara Desert of central Mauritania.

GIA reported on the new nuummite source in Fall 2011. G. Scott Davies of American-Thai Trading — who’d cut over 3,000 carats of the new African nuummite — sent GIA some samples.

The faceted African nuummites sent to GIA varied from around 9 to 16 carats, displaying vibrant iridescence in electric blue, teal, and a mixture of golden yellow and teal.

Now, what is the meaning of nuummite?

Nuummite Meaning

Nuummite’s symbolic meaning ties to empowerment, emotional intuition, and magic. This luminescent crystal is associated with the water element, bringing in energies of untapped potential, meditation, and cleansing.

Are you a Harry Potter fan? If so, you may have wondered: what type of crystal is the philosopher's stone? Nuummite is often considered the real-life equivalent to the philosopher’s (or sorcerer’s) stone.

Outside of fiction, the philosopher’s stone was a legendary substance that represented perfection and enlightenment to Western alchemists. Other purported powers included changing base metals into precious metals along with yielding an “elixir of life” used for living longer (or forever) and rejuvenating the spirit.

Nuummite’s magical properties evoke the dark and mysterious nature of the philosopher’s stone, along with its ancient nature and rarity.

Speaking of, what is the nuummite crystal good for?

blue and black nuummite cabochon

Nuummite Healing Properties

As a primarily black gemstone, nuummite as a healing stone is connected to rebirth and venturing into the unknown. Additionally, black gemstones tie to celestial knowledge and grounding. The typical golden-yellow iridescence also imparts good luck.

In terms of how to work with nuummite, crystal healers often recommend meditation to access the stone’s deep grounding effects. Wearing nuummite jewelry or keeping a nuummite tumbled stone with you allows its balancing energies to surround you throughout the day.

Getting more specific, what is nuummite used for in physical, emotional, and chakra healing?

Physical Healing

The purported physical benefits of nuummite include higher energy and lower anxiety. For those feeling fatigued or stressed, nuummite is the perfect companion.

This crystal may also help with blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Emotional Healing

It’s easy to get stuck in old beliefs, but nuummite is a great tool for opening your mind to new possibilities. By first helping you get out of your comfort zone, nuummite can then enable you to see past limiting beliefs. From there, this crystal is said to help you tap into your true potential.

Chakra Healing

Chakra stones can open blockages in energy centers (chakras) throughout your body, allowing energy to flow harmoniously. Nuummite is a chakra stone for the third eye and crown chakra.

The third eye and crown chakras are the highest, most spiritual energy centers. Using nuummite to unblock these chakras and bring them into balance with each other allows you to access greater intuition, spiritual connection, and divine wisdom.

blue green faceted nuummite gemstone

Nuummite Gemstone Properties

Experts determine nuummite’s value based on the categories of color, cut, clarity/ luster, and carat weight.


Atop nuummite’s gray, brown, or black base, it can have iridescent flecks in colors like golden-yellow, green, blue, red, or violet. Most nuummite displays golden-brown (sometimes with secondary green and blue) iridescence. Red nuummite flecks are rare.

The stone’s flecks can be a few millimeters or centimeters in length. Spacing of 124-133 nm between the alternating anthophyllite and gedrite lamellae results in violet to blue iridescence, while spacing of 180 nm between the lamellae results in yellow iridescence.

Nuummite with pyrite, chalcopyrite, or pyrrhotite mixed in often has glimmering yellow banding once polished.

The most valuable specimens exhibit multiple colors of iridescence.


Gem cutters have to work with nuummite’s iridescence to orient and cut the stone properly. Usually, the stone is cut as cabochons or tumbled and polished.

More valuable cuts include intricate carvings and faceted shapes. The most common faceted cuts are oval, trillion, and round shapes. Nuummite may also be sold sliced.

Clarity & Luster

Nuummite is opaque, so inclusions don’t affect its transparency or value much. The best material looks glassy or glossy once polished. Sometimes nuummite can have cracks on its surface due to its location, but these stones are lower in value.

Carat Weight

Genuine faceted nuummite and jenakite gemstones can range up to around 20 carats, with higher price-per-carat rates for larger gems.

Nuummite cabochons and carvings (like spheres) can be much larger, often around 20 carats but sometimes over 70 carats.

Generally, larger nuummite stones display better iridescence (though this isn’t always the case).

Up next, how and where does nuummite form?

iridescent green nuummite rough specimenImage credit: Dimitri BECUE | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

Nuummite Formation & Sources

As we mentioned up top, geologists believe nuummite formed roughly 3 billion years ago.

Nuummite is a metamorphic rock, so it formed when igneous rock underwent a physical and chemical transformation because of heat and pressure. According to a study published in The Journal of Gemmology in 2016, nuummite from Greenland likely started as an igneous rock that formed in the Late Archean era, then went through multiple stages of metamorphism.

In the study, the authors state that the nuummite rocks underwent a polymetamorphic overprint, meaning multiple stages of pressure and heat changes (metamorphism) imposing new characteristics on the rock.

The maximum metamorphic conditions reached were moderate to high pressures and temperatures (500-750°C or 932-1382°F) — AKA amphibolite-facies metamorphism.

Mining Locations

Much of the reason for nuummite’s rarity is its limited sources. So, where is nuummite found? Besides its primary locale of Greenland (which remains the best source for high-quality, sought-after material), nuummite is only found in:

  • Converse County, Wyoming, USA

  • Kainuu, Finland

  • Mauritania, Africa

  • Yukon River, Canada

In the USA, some nuummite is also found in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, though not many specimens from these locales are gem-quality.

Part of the difficulty for finding nuummite gemstones comes from the limited time of year miners can get to it in Greenland. The frigid conditions mean miners can only search and dig for the stone during a few months.

When you’re browsing nuummite for sale, what prices should you expect?

bright blue faceted nuummite cabochon

Nuummite Price & Value

Despite how difficult it can be to obtain nuummite, the prices for this stone are considerably lower than other rare stones.

Faceted nuummite stones sold at wholesale prices range from $5-$15 per carat, or around $35 to $300 each. Faceted jenakite gems are pricier, around $30 to $370 per carat or $300 to $1,000 each.

Nuummite cabochons range from $1.50-$16 at wholesale, or about $55 to $1,250 each.

Tumbled nuummites range from about $5 to $35. Nuummite carvings (e.g. spheres, pyramids, towers, hearts), range from around $15 to $350.

Lastly, rough nuummite at wholesale prices goes for about $1.50 to $2.50 per carat or $85 to $350 each.

Before we wrap up, let’s talk about how to keep your nuummite stone fresh and shiny.

What are some tips for caring for and preserving the beauty of nuummite gemstones?

Nuummite Care and Maintenance

Before you handle nuummite, it’s important to note that the anthophyllite inside is an asbestos amphibole, so inhaling fibers may be dangerous. This is mainly a concern for gemstone cutters handling rough specimens, so stick to polished specimens to be safe.

In terms of gemstone care, nuummite is relatively simple to take care of. You can clean the stone with a soft toothbrush, warm water, and mild soap. Rinse any soap residue off and dry the stone with a dust-free, microfiber cloth.

Keep nuummite away from prolonged exposure to high heat or sunlight — otherwise, it might fade in color.

Store nuummite separately from other gems to avoid scratches.

Frequently Asked Questions

Last, let’s go over some remaining questions you might have:

What is the origin of nuummite and where is it found?

Nuummite originates in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, where it was first discovered by German mineralogist Karl Ludwig Giesecke in 1810 (as “iridescent amphibole”) but then rediscovered and marketed as a gemstone in the early 1980s.

Besides Nuuk, the only other known source of gem-quality nuummite is Mauritania, where it’s called “jenakite.” Nuummite material that isn’t gem-quality has also been found in the USA, Canada, and Finland.

What are the distinctive features and characteristics of nuummite?

Besides the properties discussed in the Specifications and Characteristics section earlier like hardness and density, some of the distinctive characteristics of nuummite include:

  • Colored, iridescent flakes that are usually straight and long

  • Usually internal iridescence (labradorescence) from internal layers causing light interference

  • Brown streak (powder produced when scraped on a streak plate)

  • Often contains small inclusions

  • Only known in gem-quality from Mauritania and Greenland

You might notice that some gems still share some of these characteristics, though.

How does nuummite differ from other similar-looking gemstones?

Despite its largely unique appearance, nuummite often gets mixed up with stones with similar color flashes or shiny scattered inclusions — be it accidental misidentification or intentional mislabeling by shady sellers.

Each one can be distinguished from nuummite based on certain properties:

  • Labradorite: Also often labradorescent but is a feldspar mineral (not a rock), is slightly harder at 6-6.5, has a white streak instead of brown, and is denser at 3.18-3.37

  • Coppernite: Often labeled as “Indian nuummite” but “coppernite” is actually another marketing term for an amphibole-filled metamorphic rock; Usually has short, metallic, often square flecks or patches instead of longer iridescent flakes like nuummite

  • Arfvedsonite: Similar to nuummite in being dark with bright flashes and being discovered in Greenland, but arfvedsonite can be translucent, makes a dark bluish-gray streak, and has iridescent flashes from its pleochroism (not internal structure)

  • Larvikite: Similarly a dark rock displaying labradorescence, but larvikite is a feldspar-dominant igneous rock with a slightly higher hardness of 6-7, white streak, and usually silvery iridescence

  • Astrophyllite: Can have similar shiny flakes but astrophyllite is a complex mineral (not rock) with a lower hardness of 3, golden streak, and strong pleochroism

It’s good to look out for fake nuummites on the market, as there are many. But also keep in mind that not all nuummite is high-quality. Low-quality nuummite stones that aren’t as flashy or iridescent as high-quality collection specimens are still nuummite.

larvikite carving in iraq museumPictured above: Carved larvikite tower at Erbit Stones and Gems Museum in Iraq | Image credit: Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg), CC-BY-SA-4.0

How can I distinguish genuine nuummite from imitations or treated stones?

In other words, how can you tell if nuummite is real? To see if you have a real or fake nuummite, look for iridescent flecks shaped like lightning bolts across a light gray or dark surface. The stone’s flecks should reflect iridescence when turned under the light.

Nuummite isn’t known to be treated, so evidence of treatment on a supposed “nuummite” stone is also a good sign that it’s not really nuummite.

Are there any metaphysical properties associated with nuummite?

Absolutely! Besides being hailed by some as the “Philosopher’s Stone” of ancient alchemist lore, nuummite is also believed to:

  • Ground you

  • Renew vitality

  • Facilitate transformative journeys

  • Dispel negativity

  • Open spiritual lines of communication

  • Open your third eye and crown chakras

  • Help you appreciate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth

Nuummite symbolizes empowerment, ancient wisdom, and the connection between the physical and metaphysical world.

What are the primary uses of nuummite in jewelry and other applications?

Currently, nuummite isn’t used for industrial purposes but it does have many uses in jewelry and decor!

Most nuummite decor features tumbled stones, carvings, slices, or rough specimens.

The majority of nuummite jewelry uses cabochons — like those set in rings or pendants — or beads. Beaded jewelry may have standard round nuummite beads or more unique “chip” beads with irregular shapes.

Many crystal healers like to use nuummite thumb stones, palm stones, or cabochons to access nuummite’s spiritual benefits.

Are there any famous or significant pieces featuring nuummite?

So far, nuummite hasn’t been featured in any celebrity jewelry or famous media. That said, some of the original Nuuk samples that Giesecke collected in 1810 are in the Mineralogical Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Unlock Your Potential with Nuummite!

Though it may not look exactly like the philosopher’s stone from Harry Potter, nuummite’s mysterious depth and mystical wisdom have earned it this title.

Even if you’re not as spiritual, nuummite’s shimmering iridescence can still bring out your inner light and encourage you to embrace it as you step into your newfound potential.

Buy nuummite gemstones today!

人造寶石 Nuummite 是一種用作寶石的深色岩石。它因其神秘和神秘的特性而受到水晶治療師的喜愛,而收藏家則因其令人驚嘆的彩虹色而尋找這種石頭。

Nuummite 稀有嗎?是的,nuummite 是一種稀有寶石。大多數材料來自其發現的原始地點格陵蘭島。有人說格陵蘭 nuummite 是唯一“真正的”nuummite。

儘管它是在過去幾個世紀被發現的,但 nuummite 擁有地球上最古老的岩石(由人類發現)的稱號。這塊古老的石頭擁有大約 30 億年的壽命!


關於 Nuummite Stone

Nuummite 是一種半寶石,具有深色、神秘的體色,上面覆蓋著閃閃發光的彩虹色薄片。

nuummite 的別稱是什麼?一些替代拼寫包括 nuummit、nuumite 和 nuummit。 nuummite 的另一個暱稱是哲人之石(或魔法石),但我們將在“含義”部分對此進行更多討論。


您可能會將 nuummite 與 arfvedsonite 或 astrophylite 混在一起。這三塊石頭都有類似的閃閃發光的薄片,但 nuummite 是三塊石頭中唯一的岩石。

Nuummite 規格和特性

Nuummite 是一種岩石,而不是礦物。作為複習,岩石被定義為由不止一種礦物組成。在這種情況下,Nuummite 是一種變質的斜閃石岩石,具有(可變)化學式 (Mg2)(Mg5)Si8O22(OH)2。

這種不透明的岩石主要由兩種角閃石礦物組成:直閃石和閃閃石。其他經常出現在 nuummite 中的礦物是磁黃鐵礦黃鐵礦和黃銅礦。

Nuummite 彩虹色閃光的原因是石頭的內部結構。主要的纖維狀礦物晶長石和直閃石形成交替的薄層,稱為薄層。這些層會引起光干擾,就像在肥皂泡上看到的彩虹一樣。

你怎麼知道 nuummite 是不是真的?要查看您擁有的是真的還是假的 nuummite,請在淺灰色或深色表面上尋找形狀像閃電的彩虹色斑點。在光線下轉動時,石頭的斑點應該會反射出彩虹色。

以下是 nuummite 的其餘特性:

  • 莫氏硬度:5.5-6

  • 顏色:黑色、灰色、棕黑色;帶有藍色、紅色、綠色、紫色或金黃色彩虹色斑點的圖案

  • 晶體結構: 斜方晶系

  • 光澤:玻璃質(玻璃狀)或光澤

  • 透明度: 不透明

  • 折射率:1.633-1.665

  • 密度:3.18-3.37

  • 乳溝:完美

  • 斷口: 貝殼狀

  • 連勝

  • 發光:熒光存在 - 深紫色

  • 雙折射:0.022

  • 多色性:無

Nuummite 的類型

Nuummite 只有一種(非官方)品種,稱為 jankite。 Jenakite 於 2009 年在毛里塔尼亞被發現。這種 nuummite 品種的獨特之處在於含有密集的針狀(針狀)直閃石晶體束,這些晶體呈綠色和藍色,而不是金黃色。

接下來,我們將了解 nuummite 的神秘之旅。

Nuummite 寶石多面心形

Nuummite 歷史與意義

德國礦物學家和極地探險家 Karl Ludwig Giesecke 於 1810 年首次發現了 nuummite。Giesecke 在格陵蘭島的首府努克發現了它。

1905 年至 1924 年間的某個時候,丹麥地質學家 Ove Balthasar Bøggild(或 OB Bøggild)對人造石做出了第一個科學定義。

Nuummite 的名字直到 1982 年才出現,當時荷蘭地質學家 Peter W. Uitterdijk Appel 選擇了它。雖然他首先想到的是“nuukite”,但他將其改為“nuummite”。 “nuummite”一詞在格陵蘭語中是“源自努克”的意思。很簡單,對吧?

有趣的事實:Nuummite 是在格陵蘭島努克發現的唯一寶石。 Nuummite 寶石的主要供應商是一家名為 Nuummite Nuuk A/S 的本地公司。

現在,nuummite 是什麼意思?

Nuummite 含義

Nuummite 的象徵意義與賦權、情感直覺和魔法有關。這種發光的水晶與水元素相關聯,帶來未開發的潛力、冥想和清潔的能量。

你是哈利波特迷嗎?如果是這樣,您可能想知道:點金石是什麼類型的水晶? Nuummite 通常被認為等同於現實生活中的哲學家(或巫師)之石。


Nuummite 的神奇特性讓人想起點金石的黑暗和神秘的本質,以及它古老的本質和稀有性。

說到 nuummite 水晶有什麼用?

Nuummite 治療石

Nuummite 治療特性

作為主要的黑色寶石,nuummite 是一種與重生和冒險進入未知有關的治療石。黑色寶石也與天體知識和根基有關。典型的金黃色也能帶來好運。

就如何使用 nuummite 而言,水晶治療師通常建議冥想以獲得石頭的深層接地效果。佩戴 nuummite 首飾或隨身攜帶一塊 nuummite 滾磨石,可以讓它的平衡能量全天環繞在您身邊。

更具體地說,什麼是 nuummite 在身體、情感和脈輪治療中的用途?


據稱 nuummite 的身體益處包括更高的能量和更低的焦慮。對於那些感到疲勞或壓力大的人,nuummite 是完美的伴侶。



固守舊信念很容易,但 nuummite 是一個很好的工具,可以讓您敞開心扉迎接新的可能性。通過首先幫助您走出舒適區,nuummite 可以讓您看到過去的限制性信念。從那裡,據說這種水晶可以幫助您挖掘真正的潛力。


脈輪石可以打開全身能量中心(脈輪)的阻塞,讓能量和諧流動。 Nuummite 是第三隻眼和頂輪的脈輪石

第三隻眼和頂輪是最高、最靈性的能量中心。使用 nuummite 疏通這些脈輪並使它們相互平衡,可以讓您獲得更大的直覺、精神聯繫和神聖的智慧。

多面綠色 nuummite 寶石

Nuummite 寶石屬性

專家根據顏色、切工、淨度和光澤的類別來確定 nuummite 的價值。


在 nuummite 的灰色、棕色或黑色基底之上,它可能具有金黃色、綠色、藍色、紅色或紫色等顏色的虹彩斑點。紅色 nuummite 斑點很少見。

石頭的斑點可以有幾毫米或幾厘米長。混合有黃鐵礦、黃銅礦或磁黃鐵礦的Nuummite 在拋光後通常會出現閃爍的黃色條紋。


寶石切磨師必須利用 nuummite 的虹彩來正確定位和切割寶石。通常,石頭被切割成凸圓形或滾磨和拋光。

更有價值的切工包括複雜的雕刻和刻面形狀。 Nuummite 也可以切片出售。


Nuummite 是不透明的,因此夾雜物不會對其透明度或價值產生太大影響。最好的材料在拋光後看起來像玻璃一樣或有光澤。有時 nuummite 可能由於其位置而在其表面上出現裂縫,但這些石頭的價值較低。

關於地點這個話題,nuummite 是如何形成的,在哪裡形成的?

Nuummite 寶石原石標本圖片來源:Dimitri BECUE | 知識共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 國際許可

Nuummite 的形成和來源

正如我們在頂部提到的,nuummite 是地球上已知最古老的岩石,形成於大約 30 億年前。

Nuummite 是一種變質岩,因此它是火成岩在熱量和壓力下發生物理和化學變化時形成的。


nuummite 稀有的主要原因是其來源有限。那麼,在哪裡可以找到 nuummite?除了其原始且仍是格陵蘭島的主要地區外,nuummite 僅在以下地區發現:

  • 匡威縣(美國懷俄明州)

  • 凱努(芬蘭)

  • 毛里塔尼亞(非洲)

  • 育空河(加拿大)

在美國,在新罕布什爾州和馬薩諸塞州也發現了一些 nuummite,儘管這些地區的標本不多,具有寶石品質。

尋找 nuummite 寶石的部分困難在於格陵蘭島礦工一年中能找到它的時間有限。寒冷的環境意味著礦工只能在幾個月內搜索和挖掘石頭。

當您瀏覽待售的 nuummite 時,您應該期望什麼價格?

明亮的藍色 nuummite 寶石刻面凸圓形

Nuummite 價格和價值

儘管獲得 nuummite 有多麼困難,但這種寶石的價格遠低於其他稀有寶石。

以批發價出售的刻面 nuummite 寶石的價格範圍為每克拉 5 美元至 15 美元,或每顆約 35 美元至 250 美元。

Nuummite 凸圓形寶石批發價從每克拉 7 美元到 9 美元不等,或每顆約 75 美元到 300 美元。


Nuummite 保養和維護

在處理 nuummite 之前,請務必注意裡面的直閃石是石棉角閃石,因此吸入纖維可能很危險。這主要是寶石切割師處理粗糙樣品的一個問題,因此為了安全起見,堅持使用拋光樣品。

寶石護理方面,nuummite 護理起來相對簡單。您可以使用軟牙刷、溫水和溫和的肥皂清潔石頭。沖洗掉所有肥皂殘留物,然後用無塵超細纖維布擦乾石頭。

將 nuummite 與其他寶石分開存放以避免劃傷。

用 Nuummite 釋放您的潛力!

雖然它看起來可能與哈利波特中的點金石不完全一樣,但 nuummite 的神秘深度和神秘智慧為它贏得了這個稱號。

即使您不那麼靈性,nuummite 也可以通過帶出您內在的光芒並鼓勵您在進入新發現的潛力時擁抱它而使您受益。

立即購買 nuummite 寶石!

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