Top 10 Best Types Of Stones for Rings

Top 10 Best Types Of Stones for RingsRubies, emeralds, diamonds, oh my! There are so many types of stones for rings out there that it’s nearly impossible to choose. If you’re stuck in a rut trying to hunt down the perfect treasure to flaunt on your finger, we’ve got you covered!

Diamonds may scream Hollywood glitz and glamor, but you may want to explore alternatives for your ring. Those planning to pop the question might feel pressured to get on one knee accompanied by a sparkling diamond. There’s just one problem: diamonds are expensive and traditional.

That’s why innovative couples are steering a new path lined in colorful gemstones. If you’re looking to rock a trailblazing alternative for your engagement ring, look no further than the beautiful gems on this list!

How Do I Choose A Stone For A Ring?

Before we get to the treasure, let’s talk about why these are great candidates for your ring. If you choose to step outside of this list to try something rare, you’ll want to keep a few key factors in mind before you make a purchase.

You want to make sure that your choice is timeless, durable, and reflects your personality and style. And there’s another detail you can’t overlook: gem hardness.

The Gist Of Gem Hardness

There are hundreds of gemstones in the world, each uniquely radiant and beautiful. That said, not every gem is worthy of the coveted center spot on your engagement ring. See, some gemstones are simply too soft to wear daily.

We rank gemstones according to the Mohs Hardness Scale. 

Another reason why diamonds are so famous is that they are the hardest stone in the world. Why does hardness matter? Because the harder the gem, the more resistant it is to breakage, scratching, and daily wear and tear.

“A diamond is forever” because it’s ranked at 10 on the Mohs Scale, and is the hardest gem in the world.

Considering the importance of hardness for your ring’s longevity, we’ll want to stay high on the list. Fortunately, there are plenty of worthy gems that are hard, durable, and gorgeous. Emeralds and sapphires, anyone?

Now that we’ve tackled these details let’s get to the best types of stones for rings!

What Is The Best Stone For An Engagement Ring?

If you’re looking for the best stone for your engagement ring, you may want to stick with one of the four precious gemstones: diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires.

These gems are considered “precious” because they are hard, durable, high-quality, and striking. That said, hardness isn’t the only marker for a beautiful, engagement ring worthy gem. Read on for our top 10 best types of stones for rings.

1. Diamond

We’ve talked extensively about diamonds, and that’s because they are the most popular stone of all. Not only are diamonds timeless, but they sparkle more than any other jewel. While diamonds may be the supreme engagement ring stone, they are quite expensive. If you’re a purist who loves tradition, you’ve likely found your prime jewel at the top of our list.
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2. Ruby

Bold brides will love the vividness of this red gem. If you’re not shy about flexing your love for bright colors, ruby gemstones are an optimal choice to evoke passion and luxury. You won’t have to worry about the lifespan of your ruby, either.

Ranking at 9 for hardness, wear your ruby daily without ever worrying about damage or scratching. Rubies might not be as popular as diamonds, but they’re just as pricey. For a gem as eye-catching as a ruby, it just may be worth the investment!
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3. Emerald

We could gush about emeralds for hours. What’s not to love? The romantic emerald hue has the wow factor fitting for royalty. Not surprisingly, Cleopatra’s choice jewel was the lavish emerald.

Not only is the color alluring, but emeralds are fairly scratch-resistant and durable. On the Mohs Scale, emeralds rank between 7.5 to 8, making them durable enough to flaunt for every occasion. If you want timeless elegance with modern refinement, emeralds are a stunning choice!
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4. Sapphire

Sapphire is a striking gemstone that comes in an array of brilliant colors. Of course, the most famous of all is blue. However, if you’re looking for a colorless diamond alternative, you may want to consider a white sapphire.

With its 9 hardness ranking, bright, deeply saturated colors, durability, and timeless intrigue, you honestly can’t go wrong with a sapphire stone for your ring!
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5. Aquamarine

Who can resist the charming, calming tranquility of an aquamarine gem? If you’re a water sign or lover of turquoise waters, you’ll swoon over this blue-green jewel. Aquamarine is one of the best types of stones for your ring because of its magnetic color. One glance at this stone, and you’ll find yourself gazing upon it for hours.

Glimmering like sun sparkles on soft, breaking waves, aquamarine is durable and classic. So classic, in fact, that it graces the fingers of the royal family, passed down from Princess Diana to Duchess Kate Middleton.

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Top 10 Best Types Of Stones for Rings6. Opal

There are few gemstones as fiery and playful as the classic opal. Perhaps it’s that striking play of color, but opals look gorgeous in engagement rings. For a time, opal fell out of the spotlight, but it’s making a full-blown resurgence.

Trendy jewelry designers have put opal back on display as a gorgeous engagement ring stone. That said, it ranks lower on the hardness scale at 5.5-6.5, which means you’ll need to safely set the stone in your ring to ensure it’s not exposed to scratching.
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7. Pearl

Traditionalists who want something more unique than a diamond might consider a pearl for their engagement ring stone. Nothing says classic elegance like a shimmering pearl . Even better? Pearls come in soft, feminine colors — from milky white to light gray to pink.

Like opal, you’ll have to take care of your pearls because they rank lowest on the hardness scale at 2.5-4.5. That doesn’t mean you can’t bring your pearl ring dreams to life! Consult with a skilled jeweler to ensure the setting protects the beautiful pearl.
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8. Moissanite

Is it a diamond? Is it a moissanite? Who cares as long as you’re in love with your stone! Moissanite is an excellent choice if you want a diamond without paying the steep price.

Moissanites are similar to diamonds in many ways — they rank at 9.5 for hardness, they are colorless, and they sparkle beautifully! They are so similar to diamonds that people mistook them for diamonds when they were first discovered!

9. Tourmaline

Not quite teal, not quite blue, and not quite green, tourmaline gems come in a color palette all their own. Whether you love cool tones or warm tones, there’s a vivid shade for you in Tourmaline!

Blending antique romance with modern bohemia, new age brides flock to tourmaline stones for their engagement rings. Did we mention it holds up pretty well for hardness? With a 7-7.5 ranking, tourmaline offers a high-quality alternative to emeralds. If you want to marry the old with the new, look no further than a glittering tourmaline.
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10. Topaz

Like sapphire, topaz gemstones come in a striking display of colors. That’s because topaz is colorless, but changes colors with the presence of impurities in the gem. Topaz gems are quite durable with an 8 Mohs ranking and are a great choice for brides who want to personalize their ring to match their favorite color!

There you have it! Have you found your favorite stone? Choosing the best type of stone for your ring is a challenging task, but once you land on one, we’ll sure it’ll steal your heart and glimmer eternally!
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