Thomsonite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Thomsonite is a rare mineral in the zeolite family — the rarest, to be exact! It typically occurs in white, beige, pastel yellows, oranges, or grays, although most thomsonites display multiple hues in one gemstone!
Some variations of thomsonite occur in even more colors like varying shades of pinks, greens, and even black. It’s believed that over 170 different color and pattern variations have been observed!
In non-secular terms, thomsonite’s meaning is one of balance, growth, and connection for all aspects — physical, emotional, and spiritual. Hello, positive vibes!
Intrigued by this not-so-common zeolite? Continue reading as we break down all there is to know about rare and captivating thomsonite in our Thomsonite Gemstone Guide!
About Thomsonite Stone
Thomsonite is a rare, semi-precious gemstone with a truly unique look. It’s also believed to be a powerful and transformative crystal for metaphysical healing.
While it’s not an official birthstone, thomsonite is a supportive zodiac stone for Gemini signs. It’s believed to help balance their multifaceted personalities, allowing them to hone in on their truest self.
Thomsonite is moreso an ornamental crystal loved by in-the-know gem collectors. That’s not to say you won’t be able to score some thomsonite jewelry! However, your options may be a bit limited compared to more popular gems.
Assessing a mineral’s physical traits helps you pinpoint exactly what crystal you’re working with. Now let’s learn how to identify thomsonite!
Thomsonite Specifications & Characteristics
Even though the name “thomsonite” is generally used without any further breakdown, this mineral is technically split in two subtypes: thomsonite-Ca, which is calcium-dominated, and the rarer thomsonite-Sr, which is strontium-dominated. The majority of thomsonite specimens are thomsonite-Ca.
Thomsonite occurs in a variety of beautiful, pastel colors with unique patterns in all kinds of variations. In its purest form, however, thomsonite is snow-white or colorless. Its crystals are usually long and thin, almost blade-like. They generally form as a result of radial aggregates.
Fun fact: it’s also pyroelectric! That means thomsonite generates a (temporary) electric charge when heated.
Thomsonite is often confused with stilbite, which has a different aggregate formation, and natrolite, which is usually less rounded.
Here’s an overview of thomsonite’s mineral data:
Chemical Formula: NaCa2Al5Si5O20 • 6(H2O)
Mineral family: Zeolite group
Composition: Tectosilicates
Mohs hardness: 5 to 5.5
Color: Colorless, greenish, yellow, white, pink
Crystal structure: Orthorhombic
Luster: Vitreous to pearly
Transparency: Transparent to opaque
Refractive index: 1.51 to 1.56
Density: 2.3 to 2.4
Cleavage: {101} Perfect, {100} Good
Fracture: Conchoidal
Streak: White
Luminescence: Fluorescent; Yellowish to blueish-white in SW-UV; Blue to blueish-white in LW-UV.
Pleochroism: Colorless
So how many different thomsonite varieties exist?
Types of Thomsonite
There are a few different varieties of thomsonite — some rarer than others.
Lintonite is a translucent green variety occurring in the Grand Marais area of Minnesota, on the shores of Lake Superior. It’s often mistaken for jade and used synonymously with “thomsonite”.
Faroelite is a variety from the Faroe Islands of Denmark. It occurs in the form of botryoidal growths and translucent, waxy balls of thin fibers.
Strontium is a strontium-dominant variety of thomsonite that is extremely rare. It’s recently been discovered on Yukspor Mountain in the Kola Peninsula of Russia.
Ready to explore thomsonite’s journey through history?
Thomsonite Meaning & History
Like many other gems, thomsonite’s name pays homage to the discoverer: Dr. Thomas Thomson. He first described the mineral in 1840, after coming across a deposit in the Kilpatrick Hills of Scotland.
It’s believed that Thomson first found, and subsequently analyzed, the mineral in a former county in west-central Scotland called Dumbaronshire (considered to be thomsonite’s true type locality).
About three decades later, the Minnesota Geological Survey was established by Newton Winchell. In 1879, a pair of his students, young professors from the University of Minnesota, vacationed along the north shore of Lake Superior, studying rocks in the area. In 1888, they published a report that detailed the first mention of thomsonite in the United States.
Remember when we mentioned thomsonite is actually regarded as a series of two minerals, defined by calcium and strontium end members? That’s because in 1997, the Zeolite Subcommittee of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) decided to split it into two subspecies.
In terms of healing, what is thomsonite stone used for today?
Thomsonite Healing Properties
Many crystals can be used as healing stones with a multitude of physical and non-physical benefits — thomsonite included.
This crystal is particularly associated with growth and balance in all aspects of life.
First, what is thomsonite good for physically?
Physical Healing
Physically, thomsonite is believed to clear brain fog improving focus.
It’s also said to facilitate healing of the heart and strengthening of the body’s electromagnetic field.
Some say that thomsonite crystals help lower your body temperature if you’re running a high fever.
Emotional Healing
Emotionally, thomsonite benefits you by dissolving feelings of lethargy. It may also help remove any blockages to success in your life.
Next time you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and having a hard time pulling yourself out of it, grab some thomsonite — You might just find that extra push you’ve been waiting for.
Chakra Healing
Some gems are especially attuned to your chakras (spiritual energy points along the center of your body). Crystal healers use thomsonite as a chakra stone for the heart chakra.
Your chakral heart governs love and acceptance. Thomsonite activates this chakra, dissolving emotional congestion. It also helps soothe heartaches by healing and balancing your emotions.
So what is thomsonite worth? That all depends on grading!
Thomsonite Gemstone Properties
Gemstone properties let you know how much a gemstone is worth. For thomsonite, the industry-standard properties all affect its value: color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.
Pure thomsonite is usually tan to white to translucent. Impurities of other compounds (like ferric/ferrous iron or copper) cause colorations within the gem, such as pink, red, or brown.
Some variations also occur in green to blue to almost colorless.
Generally, most thomsonite for sale contains multiple colors within the same piece. They tend to display banded, multi-colored, radiating rings. Those with green, gray, or black occurrences tend to be the most sought-after.
Sometimes, albeit rare, thomsonite gems exhibit chatoyancy (the “cat’s eye” effect.) In other words, these gems display a crisp, vivid line of reflected light inside, similar to how a cat’s eye thins into a sharp slit under bright light. It’s an uncommon phenomenon, making these gems more valuable.
The pattern, variety, and colors of inclusions within thomsonite are vast — the most common being copper or iron.
Typically, the more striking the contrast, the higher the value.
Thomsonite’s hardness means cutting gems from it is a challenge. The lightest tap from a hammer can shatter a luxury specimen. It’s also susceptible to the frequencies of a grinding wheel, often causing gems to break apart.
As a result, it takes a master lapidary with years of training and experience to cut thomsonite gems properly. This also makes cut thomsonites more expensive.
You can find faceted thomsonite on the market, though these are considered a rarity. You’re much more likely to come across thomsonite cut en cabochon.
Uncut (or raw) thomsonite is also widely available. Prices vary depending on what kinds of minerals are included within the stone, as well as size.
Carat Weight & Size
Large deposits of thomsonite are rare. Most specimens aren’t much bigger than a pea, even in their most abundant locality.
For the most part, thomsonite gems are sold in carats.
However, raw thomsonite is usually sold in grams instead of carats. Occasionally, retailers will list both, along with the stone’s dimensions.
Next, where to find thomsonite!
Thomsonite Formation & Sources
Thomsonite formed via lava flows as far back as the Keweenawan Period — that’s over 600 million years ago!
The stone is usually found in lava cavities and amygdaloidal igneous rocks. Amygdaloids are vesicles and cavities on a rock that have filled with a secondary mineral long after lava has cooled (similar to the formation of chalcedony).
Gasses trapped inside the lava and seams between the lava flows turned into hollow openings (or amygdules) when the lava cooled down and hardened. Over hundreds of thousands of years, these hollow pockets filled and solidified, creating — you guessed it, thomsonite!
Geographically, where is thomsonite found?
Mining Locations
Although thomsonite it’s rare, it’s actually found all over the world! The most notable localities are New Jersey (USA) and Nova Scotia.
Other sources are:
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Faroe Islands
Middle East
New Zealand
North America
Solomon Islands
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Not quite ready to add that many stamps to your passport? Let’s talk pricing so you can skip the airfare and order thomsonite straight to your door!
Image credit: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
Thomsonite Value & Pricing
Not only is thomsonite the rarest of the zeolites, but thomsonite gemstones are said to be rarer than rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and even diamonds. As a result, thomsonite gems tend to fetch higher prices. However, it’s still a fairly accessible gem in comparison to some others.
Thomsonite cabochons generally cost between $1.60 and $4.70 per carat.
Faceted thomsonite is considered extremely rare, driving up its price quite a bit. These gems can cost approximately $22 to $65 per carat.
Rough thomsonite is widely available and fairly affordable. On average, they cost between $0.45 and $2.00 per gram. Higher-quality specimens can be more expensive.
Thomsonite jewelry isn’t common, but you can find some quality pieces. Generally, thomsonite bracelets are priced between $20 and $80. Rings are approximately $150 to $340, but you can find some for as low as $50. Of course, prices can fluctuate depending on what metals and mix of gems are used within each design.
Let’s wrap things up by going over how to clean thomsonite!
Thomsonite Care and Maintenance
Caring for gemstones can be tricky. Luckily, thomsonite is a fairly low-maintenance gem. Nonetheless, you should always treat your crystals with special care.
To clean your thomsonite, just use lukewarm water, mild soap, and a soft, non-abrasive cloth. Gently remove any debris or grime and pat gently to dry it. Avoid air-drying to prevent droplets from staining your gem.
Avoid wearing thomsonite jewelry during high-impact activities, and make sure your rings implement a protective setting.
To be safe, keep your thomsonite away from:
Harder gems and minerals
Harsh chemicals and acids
High-vibration cleaners (steam or ultrasonic)
Sudden temperature changes
When you’re done wearing or working with thomsonite, store it in a soft pouch or fabric-lined box separately from other gems for safe-keeping.
Find Your Balance with Thomsonite!
If thomsonite’s spiritual meaning of balance and growth doesn’t speak to you, its one-of-a-kind appearance sure will. This not-so-common zeolite is an extraordinary crystal that’s been flying under the radar for far too long — Time to give it the attention it deserves!
Ready to add rare and beautiful thomsonite to your crystal collection?
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