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Rutilated Quartz Stone: Crystal Meaning, Uses, and Properties
Have you ever felt like you were looking for a needle in a haystack? Then you know it’s not exactly fun… unless it’s inside a rutilated quartz stone, of course! Rutilated quartz, also called rutile quartz, is a variety of clear quartz with needle-like rutile inclusions.
Rutilated quartz’s inclusions can be all different colors and sizes, creating quite an intriguing display. While these stones used to be tossed aside or considered “bad quartz,” many collectors and gemologists have come to appreciate rutilated quartz’s one-of-a-kind qualities.
Spiritually, rutilated quartz acts as a megaphone; it amplifies the properties of other gems, including the healing powers of its base stone, clear quartz.
Keep reading to find all the information you need to know about the rutilated quartz stone within this guide!
What is a Rutilated Quartz Stone?
Rutilated quartz is an included quartz mineral whose colorful inclusions shoot through its transparent interior. Each rutilated quartz stone is unique because the inclusions can differ in color, shape, and size. Regardless of their differences, every one of these stones shares empowering spiritual properties.
For astrology enthusiasts, rutilated quartz is the zodiac stone for three signs: Gemini, Taurus, and Leo. Folks with these signs have the charisma and people skills to quickly take on leadership positions. However, they may struggle with making key decisions, which is where rutilated quartz’s wisdom and clarifying properties come in handy.
Are you a fan of numerology? Great news! Rutilated quartz is the numerology stone for Life Path 2. Those with this life path number love making others happy. They’re dependable, hard workers who are attuned to others’ emotions, just like the rutilated quartz stone!
Before we jump into all the rutilated quartz uses, let’s get a little background on the stone itself.
Rutilated Quartz Specifications and Characteristics
Rutilated quartz is a type of quartz mineral with needle-like inclusions that vary in thickness, length, pattern, and color. The inclusions are composed of a titanium dioxide mineral called rutile. In terms of titanium dioxide minerals, rutile is the most common naturally occurring type.
Rutilated quartz is not the only gemstone with rutile inclusions. Corundum stones can have rutile inclusions, and the rutile often creates a trait called asterism. Asterism is a phenomenal optical effect that looks like a star reflecting right in the stone’s center. Star sapphires and star rubies are two examples.
Going back to rutilated quartz, here’s the complete list of its specifications:
Chemical compound: Silicon dioxide; Inclusions of titanium dioxide
Mohs scale: 7
Color: Colorless; Inclusions in red, orange, gold, brown, silver, and gray
Crystal structure: Trigonal
Luster: Vitreous (glass-like)
Transparency: Transparent
Refractive index: 1.54-1.55
Density: 2.66
Cleavage: None
Types of Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated quartz has a few nicknames, including the Angel Hair Stone, Cupid’s Darts, and Flèches D'amour, a French term for “arrows of love.”
While those are all synonyms for rutilated quartz, specific varieties have their own names:
Venus Hair Stone: Rutilated quartz with golden-colored rutile inclusions
Star Rutile Quartz: Rutilated quartz with six groups of inclusions that each extend out from a center point, forming a star shape
Rutilated Smoky Quartz: When radioactive elements are present during formation, rutilated quartz can become gray or brown, creating rutilated smoky quartz.
Are you itching to try them all? We don’t blame you! But first, let’s explore rutilated quartz meaning and history.
Rutilated Quartz History & Mythology
While most quartz stones have been admired since the days of old, rutilated quartz didn’t gain proper appreciation as a gemstone until the last century.
In the 1940s, miners in Brazil found rutilated quartz stones while seeking out clear quartz for glasses. These miners didn’t see any potential in the stone, but when pieces were shipped to Salvador, keen-eyed jewelry sellers did see its potential.
Many people called rutile quartz “hair of the angels” after the ethereal shimmer of its strands. Other groups attached it to specific goddesses. For example, Ancient Greeks called rutile strands “the hair of Venus'' or “the hair of Aphrodite” in honor of their goddess of beauty and love.
During the Middle Ages, Vikings believed rutile came from Freyja, their “lady sovereign.” Freyja is one of the central goddesses in Norse mythology. She’s similar to Venus in her affiliation with beauty, love, and the finer things in life.
According to ancient mythology, if any part of a god or goddess was detached, it wouldn’t die. Instead, it would be preserved by either magically transforming or being transformed by other mythical creatures.
In the case of rutilated quartz, some legends claim that golden strands of a goddess’s hair fell from her head, and mythical creatures preserved them inside a quartz stone.
Okay, we know what rutilated quartz meant to different cultures, but what is the meaning of rutilated quartz?
Rutilated Quartz Stone Meaning
The name rutilated quartz has two origins, one for each word. “Rutile” comes from the Latin word rutilus, which means reddish. But rutile inclusions aren’t always red, right? That’s true, but the first rutile mineral discovered was red. In fact, it went by “red schorl” for a few decades before the name rutile was used.
Our second word “quartz” most likely comes from the Saxon word querklufterz, which translates to “cross vein ore.” Scholars aren’t sure of quartz’s precise etymology. Regardless, quartz has plenty of rich symbolism.
Clear quartz on its own symbolizes purification and spiritual connection. In Japan, quartz is an ancient symbol of the white dragon’s breath, a creature they see as the epitome of kindness. Other cultures, like ancient Egyptians and native South Americans, believed quartz was a conduit to the spiritual and ethereal realms.
Rutilated quartz doesn’t have as long a history as rutile or clear quartz, but modern spiritual practices have begun attaching meaning to the stone. Many people call rutilated quartz “The Illuminator” for its connection to self-awareness and spiritual development.
Who couldn’t use some spiritual growth, right? If that sounds good to you, read on to see how to apply the myriad of rutilated quartz benefits.
Rutilated Quartz Spiritual and Healing Properties
We’ve discussed some of the symbolism and spiritual properties of rutilated quartz, but what is rutilated quartz used for?
You may know that clear quartz is the “Master Healer” stone. What you might not know is that rutile is an amplifier stone. So, clear quartz plus rutilated quartz equals maximum healing!
Rutilated quartz stone lives up to its “illuminator” nickname as a healing crystal. Emotionally, rutilated quartz can help you overcome setbacks by illuminating where you’re going wrong and which path is a better choice for you. Moreover, the stone is an energizing source of strength and perseverance.
Sometimes all the setbacks in life can stack up, though. We might feel lost or overcome with stress. Rutilated quartz can once again step in with its illuminating powers, helping us acknowledge the root of our shame or fear and move toward healing.
Physically, rutilated quartz is purported to help all the keratin-rich areas in our body, i.e. our nails, hair, and skin. Anyone in a public-facing role knows that these three features can help make a great impression!
Of course, confidence and energy are equally important for first impressions. Rutilated quartz stones can help by increasing your energy and aiding the respiratory system. Next time you’re about to give a presentation, keep rutilated quartz nearby to help you breathe deep and put your best foot forward.
What chakra is rutilated quartz associated with?
Rutilated quartz stones can align all the chakras, but different color varieties can help you target specific chakras. Golden rutilated quartz in particular helps open the solar plexus chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is at the center of the body and rules all of our intense traits: our passion, anger, and strength. When it’s blocked, we may feel lethargic or worry about how others perceive us. Golden-rutilated quartz can open this chakra, helping us take initiative and regain control of our destiny.
As you can see, rutilated quartz has come a long way from its reputation as an unusable stone.
Rutilated Quartz Gemstone Properties
Savvy shoppers know that a gemstone’s properties are crucial to look into before buying it.
For rutilated quartz stone, its value is based on its color, clarity, and cut.
Rutilated quartz’s color is largely determined by its inclusions. While the quartz itself is colorless, the color of its inclusions can vary. Gold-colored inclusions are most common, but the inclusions can also be black, dark red-orange, or silver, just to name a few.
High amounts of iron oxide can give rutilated quartz red or gold needles. Lower amounts of iron oxide lead to darker-colored rutilated quartz stones.
In some cases, rutilated quartz’s inclusions are so dense, the stone becomes opaque. This can affect the stone’s clarity.
A gemstone’s clarity grade is based on the inclusions within it. The visibility of these inclusions is another determining factor. For most stones, lots of visible inclusions will mean lower value.
Since rutilated quartz is valued for its inclusions, its clarity grading is a bit different. Typically, each rutilated quartz stone gets a subjective grade based on the quality of its appearance. The appearance might be evaluated based on how thick or thin the inclusions are and if they show any distinct shapes, like roses or stars.
Of course, how well you can see the inclusions depends on how the stone is cut.
The most common cut for rutilated quartz is the smooth and glossy cabochon. Cabochons can display the inclusions and coloring within the stone best. That’s not to say faceted cuts don’t show off rutilated quartz’s beauty, though.
With a 7 on the Mohs scale, rutilated quartz is durable enough to handle all sorts of faceted cuts. Popular cuts include the oval, cushion, and trillion shapes.
Because rutilated quartz stones are often found in massive pieces, they’re also popular for large carvings and ornamental pieces such as spheres or pyramids.
Rutilated Quartz Stone Origins and Sources
Rutilated quartz usually forms through a hydrothermal process. When the rock pegmatite forms, hot magma gradually cools, leaving behind cracks and fissures. Within these openings, silica and other minerals solidify, then crystallize into quartz. The other minerals involved can change the quartz’s appearance, like iron giving citrine its yellow color.
For rutilated quartz, the other mineral is titanium oxide. While the quartz grows within pegmatite’s fissures, the titanium oxide grows within quartz’s fissures. The result is a stunning and intricate gemstone.
So where does all of this occur?
Mining Locations
The most abundant locations for rutilated quartz are in Brazil, Madagascar, and the USA.
In the US, North Carolina is a prominent supplier, as well as Virginia and New Hampshire. Other mines worldwide include those in Australia, India, Pakistan, Spain, and Russia.
Clearly, rutilated quartz stones come from far and wide. But what about the price? Is rutilated quartz valuable?
Rutilated Quartz Price and Value
In terms of price, rutilated quartz is generally affordable no matter its size. This makes it a great gem option for beginners in the lapidary field to practice on.
When you buy rutilated quartz, the inclusions might be multicolored. The price for multicolored rutilated quartz ranges from $0.60-$15 per carat. Most rutilated quartz stones fall on the lower end of that price range, however.
The most valuable rutilated quartz stones (with single-colored inclusions) have golden yellow or copper-red rutiles. Higher clarity will lead to a higher value, as well as rare inclusion shapes.
Rutilated quartz cabochons are quite popular, and these only cost about $5 per carat or less.
Alright, you’ve bought your gem and you want to make sure it stays in tip-top shape. So how do you care for rutilated quartz?
Rutilated Quartz Care and Maintenance
Rutilated quartz is an easy stone to take care of. Because of its high durability, cleaning is a breeze. Simply dampen a cloth with warm water and wipe off any dirt or debris.
In terms of storage, gems in the beryl or corundum families should be kept away from rutilated quartz stone, as they’re harder and can damage it. That includes stones like aquamarine, morganite, sapphire, and ruby.
Since rutilated quartz is high on the Mohs scale, it can scratch more brittle gems. Overall, it’s best to keep rutilated quartz separate from other gemstones.
Some say rutilated quartz doesn’t require cleansing for spiritual use. If you want to play it safe though, here are the best tips for how to cleanse rutilated quartz:
Smudge the stone with white sage smoke.
Leave the stone in the moonlight overnight.
Place the stone near a cluster of clear quartz crystals
Ready to Buy Rutilated Quartz Online?
Now that you know everything there is to know about the rutilated quartz stone, we bet you’re just as enamored with it as we are. Moreover, this stone can teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and our capabilities.
Rutilated quartz helps us remember that rejection is temporary. Take it from a stone that was passed over for years: the right person will come along to appreciate your quirks and charm.
The stone also teaches us that we aren’t defined by one thing. We’re not just our successes or our mistakes — we are intricately woven from the things we love most.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What lies behind us, and what lies ahead of us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Starting your journey toward self-discovery? Take the first step today with a rutilated quartz stone!
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