Brent Smith - Owner of Phoenix Gems in Holly, Michigan.
Mi, United States of America
が所有している phoenix-gems
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phoenix-gemsストア: Topaz
- について
Brent Smith - Owner of Phoenix Gems in Holly, Michigan. We offer full range of faceted and colored rough gemstones. We have been in business since 1997 and are an active member of AGTA. Shop with confidence as customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. We do all of our own heat treatments in house and many stones are also faceted in house or at select cutting facilities overseas under our strict guidelines.
- 位置
- Mi, United States of America
- 配達
Shipping Fees are $8 and up for USPS Shipping Fees are $35 and up for FedEX priority Handling/Processing time maximum 72 hours
配送業者 配送先United States of America その他の国への配送 FedEx $35.00 / 2 $50.00 / 4 Express Shipping $8.00 / 2 $35.00 / 7 - 支払いオプション
この販売者は、 United States of Americaでの取引に6.00%税金を追加します。