rsagems Store: Aquamarine


Tx, United States of America
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Über rsagems

Versand-, Zahlungs- und Versicherungsdetails.

RSA Gems specializes in cutting of untreated gemstones from rough we source from around the world. We purchase from trusted sources and test any rough if there is the slightest doubt regarding the gem type or any treatments that may have been applied. In fact, we won't cut any rough that has been treated with the exception of heat. Most gems are precision-cut by Loren Brown. Loren's gemstone designs have been published in the US Facet Guild newsletter and website. He designs a new cut about every other stone, ensuring one-of-a-kind results. Precision faceting results in a lower weight for the face-up size compared to commercial stones. Loren cuts for color, brilliance, and then weight compared to commercial stones where weight is everything (after all, you purchase stones by weight). So, if our prices are a little higher, consider the quality because that is what you are paying for. Returns: If you are not satisfied for any reason, return your purchase within 7 days of receipt for a full refund of your purchase price (not including shipping, or insurance). Buyer is responsible for shipping and insurance on all returns. We use USPS priority flat-rate boxes for most orders. The current rate is $8.30 for domestic. The first $50 of insurance is free. It is currently $2.00 per $100 after that and a limit of $5000 in the US. Some countries have lower limits on insurance. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Since the cost for both shipping and insurance varies by country, we will inform you of the cost for shipping options when we accept your bid. Combined orders only incur one shipping cost. Other shipping options are possible, inquire if needed.
Tx, United States of America
We will attempt to combine all items from the same buyer to save you on shipping charges where possible. International shipping will be calculated upon our acceptance of your bid. It varies by country and type of shipping, plus insurance is likewise variable. We will message you the cost before you pay.
Versandanbieter Versand nach:Land Versand in den Rest der Welt
FedEx $29.95 / :Tage Tage $59.95 / :Tage Tage
  • paypal
  • stripe