Published at 18th Oct 2018
Modified at 2nd Aug 2023
Quartz Gemstone with Mica Inclusions
Quartz with mica is usually provides some specific features. Different ranges of mica exist; the most ordinary is the silver-white muscovite; while Biotite is a dark-colour which is quite common. The soda-bearing mica Paragonite is the rarest among all. However, Biotite and Muscovite transpire alone, like the gneiss.
In fact, the micas are in uneven tablets or leaves, without any crystal edge, or in foliated or leafy collection. Meanwhile, Muscovite and Biotite are often enclosed with similar cleavage. The micas usually recline along with their cleavage planes in the direction of schistose, and this is the reason why they created the unusual fissile quality of such rock.
They are also often rounded, crooked, or perverted, as may be simply perceived by means of their reflections from their cleavage surface. The said cleavage of the mica is usually found along the surface of their fissure, or the schistose plane of the rock appears entirely enclosed by it, and it may generate the sense that this the only stone present.
In order to perceive the quartz in a closer aspect, the other indispensable element, the cross fracture must be analyzed with the use of the lens. The quartz usually available in aggregate or irregular grains and these are sometimes arranged in tiny lenses as well as, thin layers, in accordance with the coating of mica.
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